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The XU4 is fully software compatible with XU3!
However, the XU4 is more compact, more affordable and more expandable.

XU4 PCB revision history

LOT-ID PCB Revision Description
EL-1507 rev0.1 20150527 The first production version
EL-1510 rev0.1 20150825 Add a R99 of Pull-Down resistor on the PMIC PSHOLD signal.
Add a C289 of dummy capacitor for physical balancing the heatsink on the PCB
EL-1511 rev0.1 20150825
EL-1601 rev0.1 20150825
EL-1603 rev0.1 20151201 Added a pull-up Resistor on a UART RXD PIN.\\Added a 100uF capacitor on DC JACK.
EL-1606 rev0.1 20151201 RILIM of NCP380 is changed to 6.49kΩ and USB current limits at 2A.

We did not change the PCB revision because any key features were not changed nor added.

Hardware and Peripherals

Software Platform

Expansion IO and Accessories


Software(OS) Release

Please read **THIS** once before you start to download and flashing S/W release on your ODROID device.

Other Operating Systems (Unofficial and Official)

en/odroid-xu4.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/21 10:43 by ck.kim
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