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Benchmark of XU4 with Active Cooler and XU4Q with Passive Cooler

This wiki page shows benchmark test results to analysis and compare their system performance
with ODROID-XU4 and ODROID-XU4Q that equips with a passive cooler.

We've tested three categories of benchmarking utilities and here is a brief result for each test cases.

- to investigate and compare thermal/cpu frequency performance
- Sysbench running time increased by 16% and 6% for each cases of cpu max 2GHz and 1.8GHz
- for examining a variety of categories performance
- The decreasing score value of XU4Q from XU4 is just 2%
Kernel build
- to check the hardest stress case
- About 5m 17s increase of the total execution time (20%)

Except the hardest case like kernel build, the differences are under just 10% or lower.

[ Benchmark (1) - Thermal and Frequency Performance Comparison ]

Environment and Instructions

  • sysbench 100,000 iterations
# sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=100000 --num-threads=8 run
  • setting the max cpu frequency of CPU4-7
# echo 1800000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq 
# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq 
  • All of 8 cores are ON
  • Script

echo "Temp, FreqCPU0, FreqCPU4, FreqCPU5, Freq6CPU, FreqCPU7 "
while true :
     t=`cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp`
     t1=$(( $t/1000))

     f0=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq`
     f0_r=$(( $f0/100000))

     f4=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq`
     f4_r=$(( $f4/100000))

     f5=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq`
     f5_r=$(( $f5/100000))

     f6=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq`
     f6_r=$(( $f6/100000))

     f7=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq`
     f7_r=$(( $f7/100000))

     echo $t1, $f0_r, $f4_r, $f5_r, $f6_r, $f7_r

     sleep 2

Test Case 1 - Max CPU Frequency 2.0GHz case

Here is sysbench test result in case of max cpu frequency 2.0GHz.

  • Running Time : about 16% increase - XU4Q / XU4 = 420 / 362 = 116%
  • Average CPU Frequency : about 22% loss - XU4Q / XU4 = 1.48 / 1.89 = 78%

Test Case 2 - Max CPU Frequency 1.8GHz case

  • Running Time : about 6% increase - XU4Q / XU4 = 392 / 368 = 106%
  • Average CPU Frequency : about 11% loss - XU4Q / XU4 = 1.61 / 1.8 = 89%

Test Case 3 - Finding the threshold not to drop under max frequency

[ Benchmark (2) - Android AnTuTu ]

Here is Android AnTuTu benchmark result for examining common and a variety of categories' score.


OS - LineageOS-14.1 Android 7.1.1 Nougat
Resolution - 1280×720
The benchmark has been tested at twice.




Detail score

Category XU4 XU4Q %
3D 9823 9843.5 0.21
Marooned 6337 6347 0.16
Garden 3486 3496.5 0.30
UX 21681 21443 -1.11
Data secure 4976.5 4975 -0.03
Data process 3517.5 3496.5 -0.60
Strategy games 5677.5 5751.5 1.29
Image process 4787.5 4505 -6.27
I/O performance 2722 2715 -0.26
CPU 23933.5 22774 -5.09
Mathematics 5245 5248.5 0.07
Common use 7798 7621 -2.32
Multi-Core 10890.5 9904.5 -9.96
RAM 5791 5543 -4.47
Result 61228.5 59603.5 -2.73

[ Benchmark (3) - Kernel Build Time ]

To check the hardest stress case, we did put kernel build test on XU4 and XU4Q.
The test instruction is as following.

$ make odroidxu3_defconfig
$ time make -j8

Based on the result, in this case, the kernel build time on XU4Q gets around 20% increase from XU4's one.

time XU4 XU4Q
real 25m 1.43s 30m 18.36s
user 149m 58.72s 184m 44.36s
sys 22m 54.96s 27m 21.55s
en/xu4_benchmark_xu4_xu4q.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/27 12:56 by john1117
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