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en:xu4_cloudshell2 [2017/07/17 11:25]
john1117 [6. Turn off the Fan]
en:xu4_cloudshell2 [2017/07/17 11:26]
john1117 [6. Turn off the fan]
Line 127: Line 127:
 You can turn off the fan following command You can turn off the fan following command
   sudo i2cset -y 1 0x60 0x05 0x05   sudo i2cset -y 1 0x60 0x05 0x05
 +Turn on the fan
 +  sudo i2cset -y 1 0x60 0x05 0x00
 To always turn off the fan, remove the cloudshell2-fan package. To always turn off the fan, remove the cloudshell2-fan package.
   sudo apt-get remove cloudshell2-fan   sudo apt-get remove cloudshell2-fan
en/xu4_cloudshell2.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/07/17 11:41 by odroid
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