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en:xu3_release_linux_ubuntu_k49 [2017/05/10 12:29]
mdrjr created
en:xu3_release_linux_ubuntu_k49 [2017/05/18 09:53] (current)
mdrjr [Ubuntu 16.04 (20170510)]
Line 4: Line 4:
 ---- ----
-===== Ubuntu 16.04 (20170510) =====+===== Ubuntu 16.04.2 (20170510) =====
   * Ubuntu 16.04 Image - Download from [[http://​odroid.in/​ubuntu_16.04lts/​|Main server]] or [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​5422/​ODROID-XU3/​Ubuntu/​|Mirror server]]   * Ubuntu 16.04 Image - Download from [[http://​odroid.in/​ubuntu_16.04lts/​|Main server]] or [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​5422/​ODROID-XU3/​Ubuntu/​|Mirror server]]
   * MD5SUM - Download from [[http://​odroid.in/​ubuntu_16.04lts/​|Main server]] or [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​5422/​ODROID-XU3/​Ubuntu/​|Mirror server]]   * MD5SUM - Download from [[http://​odroid.in/​ubuntu_16.04lts/​|Main server]] or [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​5422/​ODROID-XU3/​Ubuntu/​|Mirror server]]
   * [[xu3_ubuntu_k49_release_note_20170510|Release Note (20170510)]]   * [[xu3_ubuntu_k49_release_note_20170510|Release Note (20170510)]]
 +===== Ubuntu 16.04.2 ​ -- MINIMAL -- =====
 +  * Ubuntu 16.04 Image - Download from [[http://​odroid.in/​ubuntu_16.04lts/​|Main server]] or [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​5422/​ODROID-XU3/​Ubuntu/​|Mirror server]]
 +  * MD5SUM - Download from [[http://​odroid.in/​ubuntu_16.04lts/​|Main server]] or [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​5422/​ODROID-XU3/​Ubuntu/​|Mirror server]]
 +  * [[xu4_ubuntu_minimal|Changelog]]
en/xu3_release_linux_ubuntu_k49.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/05/18 09:53 by mdrjr
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