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How to turn off your monitor (C1)


  • Ubuntu : Available with 3.10.96-161 (Aug 29, 2016) or a higher version
  • Android : Available with Android 4.4.2 v3.1 (Jul 01, 2016) or higher version including Android 5.1.1

How to activate monitor off on Ubuntu

Set monitor on/off option using boot.ini
# Monitor output
# Controls if HDMI PHY should output anything to the monitor
setenv monitor_onoff "true" # true or false

# Boot Arguments
setenv bootargs ${bootargs} monitor_onoff=${monitor_onoff}
Set standby time to enter monitor off using power management setting menu
[system] -> [preference] -> [look and feel] -> [Screensaver] 
[Power Management] tab in the bottom area of this menu

For example, if you set screensaver time to 1 minute and display off time to 5 minutes in Power Management tab,

- in 1 minute, display will be turned off and screensaver is activating but, monitor is still alive.

- in 5 minutes, monitor will be turned off.

How to activate monitor off on Android

Set monitor on/off option using boot.ini

The env description, “suspend_hdmiphy” is included in boot.ini of Android release version as following.

# Overscan offset configuration
# All offsets are zero and can be tuned by manual or ODROID Utility
setenv overscan_top "0"
setenv overscan_left "0"
setenv overscan_bottom "0"
setenv overscan_right "0"
setenv suspend_hdmiphy "true" # set "true" of "1" to activate monitor off option

# Boot Arguments
setenv bootargs "${rootopt} ${consoleopt} hdmimode=${hdmimode} hdmitx=${cecconfig} vout=${vout_mode} disablehpd=${disablehpd} logo=${logoopt} ${androidopt} ${selinuxopt} suspend_hdmiphy=${suspend_hdmiphy} led_blink=${led_blink} max_freq=${max_freq} maxcpus=${maxcpus}"
Set standby time to enter monitor off

You can set the standby time to enter sleep and monitor off using display setting menu.

settings -> display -> sleep -> set sleep time

For example, if you set the sleep time to 5 minutes, your monitor will be turned off in 5 minutes.

en/c1_turn_off_monitor.1474962186.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/27 16:13 by joy.cho
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