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Power Off and Wake Up using GPIO Key Button

This functionality is available with following version.

  • Ubuntu : The release version should be 3.14.79-107 (Feb 26, 2017) or higher.
  • Android : Android Marshmallow (v2.4) and higher version include this functionality.

The basic working flow is as following.

[Set-up Flow]

  1. Connect a tab button to the pin port you want to use. (Please refer to the available key table in the end part of this wiki page.)
  2. Setting GPIO number using boot.ini
  3. Run reboot

[Basic Working Scenario]

  • After booting, based on the GPIO number that is described in boot.ini, gpio_keypad driver will generate KEY_POWER event when you push tab button, and it will make the system power off.
  • After power off is done, bl301 will check the GPIO status periodically based on the GPIO number that is reported from kernel, and when you push the button, board will wake up.
  • For the key wake up, the key chattering time is 300ms.
---->>> Power Key Event 

[   84.515844] reboot: Power down
ERprocess cCEC cfg:0x2f
WAKEUP GPIO cfg:0x000000d6
set vddee to 0x0352mv
(Holding here...)

--->>> Power Key Event

set vddee to 0x042emv
TE: 321463

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015. 
secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
U-Boot 2015.01-00187-g3eb97d4-dirty (Feb 22 2017 - 14:25:18)

Hardware Example

For example, we will use Pin#29 of 40pin expansion connector.
The pin is assigned to GPIOX.BIT0 and its GPIO number is #228.

Its default pin pulled status is UP (High) and switch active will be Low,
so you should connect another port of tab switch to Ground (GND), Pin#39.

Setting boot.ini

You can assign GPIO number with env gpiopower in boot.ini.

# gpio power key : J2 (2x20) Pin#29 , GPIOX.BIT0
setenv gpiopower "228"
setenv bootargs ${bootargs} gpiopower=${gpiopower}

Setting Power Button Action for Power Off


When you turn the board off using power button, you need to change power key action pattern.

- Open Power Management Preferences : [System] → [Preferences] → [Hardware] → [Power Management]
- and then Select [General] tab


In case of Android, one short power key event is used for sleep and with long key event, you can handle options of power off/reboot.
With Android Marshmallow v2.4 or higher version, it's available to enter power off sequence using long-pressing (5 sec).

Available Key Numbers

1. J2 - 2×20 pins

Pin Number Net Name GPIO Number Active Level Pin Number Net Name GPIO Number Active Level
1 3.3V Power 2 5.0V Power
3 I2CA_SDAN/A 4 5.0V Power
5 I2CA_SCLN/A 6 Ground
7 GPIOX.BIT21GPIO#249 High → Low 8 TXD1N/A
9 Ground 10 RXD1N/A
11 GPIOX.BIT19GPIO#247High → Low 12 GPIOX.BIT10GPIO#238High → Low
13 GPIOX.BIT11GPIO#239High → Low 14 Ground
15 GPIOX.BIT9GPIO#237High → Low 16 GPIOX.BIT8GPIO#236High → Low
17 3.3V Power 18 GPIOX.BIT5GPIO#233High → Low
19 GPIOX.BIT7GPIO#235High → Low 20 Ground
21 GPIOX.BIT4GPIO#232High → Low 22 GPIOX.BIT3GPIO#231High → Low
23 GPIOX.BIT2GPIO#230High → Low 24 GPIOX.BIT1GPIO#229High → Low
25 Ground 26 GPIOY.BIT14GPIO#225Low → High
29 GPIOX.BIT0GPIO#228High → Low 30 Ground
31 GPIOY.BIT8GPIO#219High → Low 32 GPIOY.BIT13GPIO#224High → Low
33 GPIOX.BIT6GPIO#234Low → High 34 Ground
35 GPIOY.BIT3GPIO#214High → Low 36 GPIOY.BIT7GPIO#218High → Low
37 ADC.AIN1N/A 38 1.8V PowerN/A
39 Ground 40 ADC.AIN0N/A

2. J7 - 1×7 pins

Pin Number Net Name GPIO Number Active Level
1 Ground
2 GPIOAO.BIT6GPIO#128High → Low
3 P5V05.0V Power
4 GPIOAO.BIT8GPIO#130High → Low
5 GPIOAO.BIT10GPIO#132High → Low
6 GPIOAO.BIT9GPIO#131High → Low
7 GPIOAO.BIT11GPIO#133High → Low

3. SW1

Pin Number Net Name GPIO Number Active Level
2 GPIOY.BIT5GPIO#216High → Low
3 GNDGround
en/c2_gpio_key_wakeup.1489976379.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/20 10:49 by joy.cho
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