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en:xu4_upgrade_from_3.10_to_4.9 [2017/06/07 19:20]
en:xu4_upgrade_from_3.10_to_4.9 [2017/07/14 12:57] (current)
Line 9: Line 9:
   - Gain root access, everything from now on requires root access: <​code>​sudo -s</​code>​   - Gain root access, everything from now on requires root access: <​code>​sudo -s</​code>​
   - Make sure your system is up-to-date: <​code>​apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade</​code>​   - Make sure your system is up-to-date: <​code>​apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade</​code>​
-  ​- After reboot, check your kernel version with "uname -a". It must be 3.10.105-139 or higher. If your kernel package is kept back, you have to install it manually with following command. <​code>​sudo apt install linux-image-xu3</​code>​ +  - Modifying the repo: <​code>​if [ -z "​$(grep "​5422-s"​ /​etc/​apt/​sources.list.d/​odroid.list)"​ ]; then sed -i s/"​5422"/"​5422-s"/​g /​etc/​apt/​sources.list.d/​odroid.list; fi</​code>​ 
-  - Gain root access again if you rebooted, everything from now on requires root access: <​code>​sudo -s</​code>​ +  - Update your package information:​ <​code>​apt update ​&& apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade</​code>​ 
-  ​- Modifying the repo: <​code>​sed -i s/"​5422"/"​5422-s"/​g /​etc/​apt/​sources.list.d/​odroid.list</​code>​ +  - Update your kernel: <​code>​apt download linux-image-4.9.30-41</​code><​code>​dpkg -i --force-all linux-image-4.9.30-41_20170531_armhf.deb</​code>​ 
-  - Update your package information:​ <​code>​apt-get update</​code>​ +  - Update your system again. New packages that matches kernel 4.9 configuration will be replaced/​installed. \\ This includes a new boot.ini that _MUST BE_ installed: <​code>​apt dist-upgrade</​code>​ 
-  - Update your kernel: <​code>​apt-get download linux-image-4.9.30-41</​code><​code>​dpkg -i --force-all linux-image-4.9.30-41_20170531_armhf.deb</​code>​ +  - Install ​the latest Kernel package from our server. http://​deb.odroid.in/​5422-s/​pool/​main/​l/​linux-image-xu3/​ \\ <color #​ed1c24>​XX-Y</​color>​ is the version number of the kernel package.<​code>​apt install linux-image-xu3=XX-Y</​code> ​{{:​en:​download_ker2.png?​nolink|}} 
-  - Update your system again. New packages that matches kernel 4.9 configuration will be replaced/​installed. \\ This includes a new boot.ini that _MUST BE_ installed: <​code>​apt-get dist-upgrade</​code>​ +  - Sync and turn off: <​code>​sync && ​poweroff</​code>​ 
-  - Install ​a new kernel: <​code>​apt-get install linux-image-xu3=41-1</​code>​ +  - Turn your board on again and enjoy.
-  - Sync and reboot: <​code>​sync && ​reboot</​code>​+
en/xu4_upgrade_from_3.10_to_4.9.1496832644.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/07 19:20 by odroid
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