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en:xu4_kodi_fbdev [2017/07/19 20:40]
mdrjr created
en:xu4_kodi_fbdev [2017/07/19 21:02] (current)
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 ====== XU4/XU3 Kodi on FBDEV ====== ====== XU4/XU3 Kodi on FBDEV ======
-**At this time Kodi on fbdev is only supported on 3.10 kernel**+**At this timeKodi on fbdev is only supported on 3.10 kernel**
 === Installation === === Installation ===
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 <​code>​ <​code>​
 apt-get update apt-get update
 +apt-get upgrade
 apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade
 +apt-get install linux-image-xu3 ​
 apt-get install kodi-fbdev apt-get install kodi-fbdev
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-After that you can run kodi by just typing **kodi**+After that you can run kodi by just typing **kodi** ​on the command line.
-You can also add kodi to /​etc/​rc.local to start on boot.+You can also add kodi to /​etc/​rc.local to start on boot automatically.
en/xu4_kodi_fbdev.1500466244.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/07/19 20:40 by mdrjr
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