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en:wb_c [2015/11/05 11:09]
john1117 created
en:wb_c [2017/07/06 15:30] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== WEATHER-BOARD on ODROID-====== +====== WEATHER-BOARD on ODROID-C1/​C1+/​C2 ​====== 
-[[http://​www.hardkernel.com/​main/​products/​prdt_info.php?​g_code=G141637550797|{{:​en:​weather_board:​wb_16x2.png?​400|}}]] +[[http://​www.hardkernel.com/​main/​products/​prdt_info.php?​g_code=G143703355573|{{:​en:​weather_board:​wb_odroidc4.png?​400|}}]] 
-====== I2C settings ​======+ 
 +**I2CA (/​dev/​i2c-1)** 
 +^Pin Number^Net Name^Export Number^^ 
 +**I2CB (/​dev/​i2c-2)** 
 +^Pin Number^Net Name^Export Number^^ 
 +====== ​Settings ​I2C ======
 Add I2C module Add I2C module
   sudo modprobe aml_i2c   sudo modprobe aml_i2c
   ls /dev/i2c-*   ls /dev/i2c-*
-<code bash> 
-/​dev/​i2c-1 ​ /​dev/​i2c-2 ​ /​dev/​i2c-3 ​ /dev/i2c-4 
 To always load the kernel module on boot up, run the following command. To always load the kernel module on boot up, run the following command.
en/wb_c.1446691182.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/05 11:09 by john1117
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