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en:odroid_linux_performance_counter [2015/09/14 00:04]
moon.linux [Build Pref tool]
en:odroid_linux_performance_counter [2016/09/19 15:22] (current)
moon.linux [Build Pref tool]
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 Linux support many profiling tools like perf, trace-cmd, blktrace, strace and oprofile. Linux support many profiling tools like perf, trace-cmd, blktrace, strace and oprofile.
 +**Below steps were tested on the XU3/XU4 platforms.**
 ====== Build Pref tool ====== ====== Build Pref tool ======
 In order to build perf you need to install following pakages. In order to build perf you need to install following pakages.
-<​code>​sudo apt-get install flex bison libdw-dev libnewt-dev binutils-dev libaudit-dev libgtk2.0-dev libperl-dev libpython-dev libunwind-dev</​code>​+<​code>​sudo apt-get install flex bison libdw-dev libnewt-dev binutils-dev libaudit-dev libgtk2.0-dev libperl-dev libpython-dev libunwind-*</​code>​
 Ensure the following kernel config options are enabled Ensure the following kernel config options are enabled
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 https://​perf.wiki.kernel.org/​index.php/​Tutorial https://​perf.wiki.kernel.org/​index.php/​Tutorial
 http://​www.brendangregg.com/​perf.html http://​www.brendangregg.com/​perf.html
en/odroid_linux_performance_counter.1442158497.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/31 10:01 (external edit)
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