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en:c2_turn_off_monitor [2016/09/11 11:06]
joy.cho [How to activate monitor off on Ubuntu]
en:c2_turn_off_monitor [2016/09/27 16:57] (current)
Line 2: Line 2:
 <WRAP center round important>​ <WRAP center round important>​
-  * Ubuntu : Available with the current version. (The exact release ​version ​will be specified here soon.) +  * Ubuntu : Available with 3.14.79-82 (Sep 19, 2016) or higher ​version 
-  * Android : Available with Android ​v1.9 or higher version+  * Android : Available with v1.9 or higher version
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
Line 11: Line 11:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-setting "​true"​ or "​1"​ can activate ​monitor ​off option +Monitor output 
-setenv monitor_onoff "​true"​+# Controls if HDMI PHY should output anything to the monitor 
 +setenv monitor_onoff "​true" ​# true or false
 # Boot Arguments # Boot Arguments
Line 23: Line 24:
 [Power Management] tab in the bottom area of this menu [Power Management] tab in the bottom area of this menu
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +{{:​en:​c1_screensaver.png?​650|}} {{:​en:​c1_pm_display.png?​650|}}
 For example, if you set **screensaver time** to 1 minute and **display off time** to 5 minutes in Power Management tab, For example, if you set **screensaver time** to 1 minute and **display off time** to 5 minutes in Power Management tab,
-- in 1 minute, display off and monitor is alive+- in 1 minute, display ​will be turned ​off and screensaver is activating but, monitor is still alive.
 - in 5 minutes, monitor will be turned off. - in 5 minutes, monitor will be turned off.
 ===== How to activate monitor off on Android ===== ===== How to activate monitor off on Android =====
 == Set monitor on/off option using boot.ini == == Set monitor on/off option using boot.ini ==
-The env description,​ "​suspend_hdmiphy"​ is included in boot.ini ​of Android release version ​as following.+The env description,​ "​suspend_hdmiphy"​ is included in boot.ini as following
 +You should set **suspend_hdmiphy** to **'​true'​ or '​1'​** to activate monitor off option.
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-Overscan offset configuration +Monitor on/off option
-# All offsets are zero and can be tuned by manual or ODROID Utility +
-setenv overscan_top "​0"​ +
-setenv overscan_left "​0"​ +
-setenv overscan_bottom "​0"​ +
-setenv overscan_right "​0"​+
 setenv suspend_hdmiphy "​true"​ # set "​true"​ of "​1"​ to activate monitor off option setenv suspend_hdmiphy "​true"​ # set "​true"​ of "​1"​ to activate monitor off option
 # Boot Arguments # Boot Arguments
-setenv bootargs ​"${rootopt${consoleopt} hdmimode=${hdmimode} hdmitx=${cecconfig} vout=${vout_mode} disablehpd=${disablehpd} logo=${logoopt} ${androidopt} ${selinuxopt} ​suspend_hdmiphy=${suspend_hdmiphy} led_blink=${led_blink} max_freq=${max_freq} maxcpus=${maxcpus}"+setenv bootargs ${bootargssyspend_hdmiphy=${suspend_hdmiphy}
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 == Set standby time to enter monitor off == == Set standby time to enter monitor off ==
 You can set the standby time to enter sleep and monitor off using display setting menu. You can set the standby time to enter sleep and monitor off using display setting menu.
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-settings ​-> display ​-> sleep -> set sleep time+[Menu] ​-> [Settings] ​-> [Device] - [Display] ​-> [Sleep] 
 +Set sleep time
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +{{:​en:​c1_display.png?​650|}} ​ {{:​en:​c1_sleep.png?​650|}}
 +And then, please turn off **Daydream** option.
 +{{:​en:​display_daydream.png?​650|}} {{:​en:​daydream.png?​650|}}
 +Setup is complete.
 For example, if you set the sleep time to 5 minutes, your monitor will be turned off in 5 minutes. For example, if you set the sleep time to 5 minutes, your monitor will be turned off in 5 minutes.
en/c2_turn_off_monitor.1473561379.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/11 11:06 by joy.cho
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