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en:c2_turn_off_monitor [2016/09/11 10:27]
joy.cho created
en:c2_turn_off_monitor [2016/09/27 16:57] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== How to turn off monitor ======+====== How to turn off your monitor ======
 <WRAP center round important>​ <WRAP center round important>​
-  * Ubuntu : Available with ["need to check version"​] ​or higher version +  * Ubuntu : Available with 3.14.79-82 (Sep 19, 2016) or higher version 
-  * Android : Available with Android ​v1.9 or higher version+  * Android : Available with v1.9 or higher version
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ===== How to activate monitor off on Ubuntu ===== ===== How to activate monitor off on Ubuntu =====
-== set monitor on/off option using boot.ini ==+== Set monitor on/off option using boot.ini ==
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-setting "​true"​ or "​1"​ can activate ​monitor ​off option +Monitor output 
-setenv monitor_onoff "​true"​+# Controls if HDMI PHY should output anything to the monitor 
 +setenv monitor_onoff "​true" ​# true or false
 # Boot Arguments # Boot Arguments
Line 18: Line 19:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-== set standby time to enter monitor off ==+== Set standby time to enter monitor off using power management setting menu ==
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 [system] -> [preference] -> [look and feel] -> [Screensaver] ​ [system] -> [preference] -> [look and feel] -> [Screensaver] ​
-screensaver after 1 minute +[Power Management] tab in the bottom area of this menu
-display sleep after 5 minutes (Power management)+
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +{{:​en:​c1_screensaver.png?​650|}} {{:​en:​c1_pm_display.png?​650|}}
-Thenyour monitor will be turned ​off in 5 minutes+For exampleif you set **screensaver time** to 1 minute and **display ​off time** to 5 minutes ​in Power Management tab,
 +- in 1 minute, display will be turned off and screensaver is activating but, monitor is still alive.
 +- in 5 minutes, monitor will be turned off.
 ===== How to activate monitor off on Android ===== ===== How to activate monitor off on Android =====
 +== Set monitor on/off option using boot.ini ==
 +The env description,​ "​suspend_hdmiphy"​ is included in boot.ini as following.
 +You should set **suspend_hdmiphy** to **'​true'​ or '​1'​** to activate monitor off option.
 +# Monitor on/off option
 +setenv suspend_hdmiphy "​true"​ # set "​true"​ of "​1"​ to activate monitor off option
 +# Boot Arguments
 +setenv bootargs ${bootargs} syspend_hdmiphy=${suspend_hdmiphy}
 +== Set standby time to enter monitor off ==
 +You can set the standby time to enter sleep and monitor off using display setting menu.
 +[Menu] -> [Settings] -> [Device] - [Display] -> [Sleep]
 +Set sleep time
 +{{:​en:​c1_display.png?​650|}} ​ {{:​en:​c1_sleep.png?​650|}}
 +And then, please turn off **Daydream** option.
 +{{:​en:​display_daydream.png?​650|}} {{:​en:​daydream.png?​650|}}
 +Setup is complete.
-== set monitor ​on/off option using boot.ini ==+For example, if you set the sleep time to 5 minutes, your monitor ​will be turned ​off in 5 minutes.
-== set standby time to enter monitor off == 
en/c2_turn_off_monitor.1473559035.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/11 10:27 by joy.cho
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