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en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup [2017/07/24 18:06]
joy.cho [Power Off and Wake Up using GPIO Key Button]
en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup [2017/07/24 18:07] (current)
joy.cho [2. Available Keys]
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 You can find the detailed information about 40-pin and 7-pin connectors in the following link.\\ You can find the detailed information about 40-pin and 7-pin connectors in the following link.\\
-[[odroid-c2:​hardware:​expansion_connectors|Expansion Connectors]]\\+[[en:c2_hardware&#​expansion_connectors|Expansion Connectors]]\\
 ==== 3. SW Set-up (1) - Ubuntu ==== ==== 3. SW Set-up (1) - Ubuntu ====
en/c2_gpio_key_wakeup.1500888977.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/07/24 18:06 by joy.cho
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