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en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup [2017/07/24 18:03]
joy.cho [4. SW Set-up (2) - Android]
en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup [2017/07/24 18:07] (current)
joy.cho [2. Available Keys]
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 ====== Power Off and Wake Up using GPIO Key Button ====== ====== Power Off and Wake Up using GPIO Key Button ======
 This section describes how to set up GPIO key button for power off and wake up purpose.\\ This section describes how to set up GPIO key button for power off and wake up purpose.\\
-  - [[odroid-c2:​application_note:​gpio:gpio_key_wakeup#​hardware_set-up|Hardware Set-up]] +  - [[en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup&​#​hardware_set-up|Hardware Set-up]] 
-  - [[odroid-c2:​application_note:​gpio:gpio_key_wakeup#​available_keys|Available Keys]] +  - [[en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup&​#​available_keys|Available Keys]] 
-  - [[odroid-c2:​application_note:​gpio:gpio_key_wakeup#​sw_set-up_1_-_ubuntu|SW Set-up (1) Ubuntu]] +  - [[en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup&​#​sw_set-up_1_-_ubuntu|SW Set-up (1) Ubuntu]] 
-  - [[odroid-c2:​application_note:​gpio:gpio_key_wakeup#​sw_set-up_2_-_android|SW Set-up (2) Android]] +  - [[en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup&​#​sw_set-up_2_-_android|SW Set-up (2) Android]] 
-  - [[odroid-c2:​application_note:​gpio:gpio_key_wakeup#​troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]]+  - [[en:c2_gpio_key_wakeup&​#​troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]]
 The brief set-up flow is as following.\\ The brief set-up flow is as following.\\
Line 67: Line 67:
 You can find the detailed information about 40-pin and 7-pin connectors in the following link.\\ You can find the detailed information about 40-pin and 7-pin connectors in the following link.\\
-[[odroid-c2:​hardware:​expansion_connectors|Expansion Connectors]]\\+[[en:c2_hardware&#​expansion_connectors|Expansion Connectors]]\\
 ==== 3. SW Set-up (1) - Ubuntu ==== ==== 3. SW Set-up (1) - Ubuntu ====
Line 154: Line 154:
 === (4) Wake up Action === === (4) Wake up Action ===
 And to wake-up after power off, long-pressing over 2 seconds is needed. And to wake-up after power off, long-pressing over 2 seconds is needed.
 +==== 5. Troubleshooting ​ ====
 +https://​forum.odroid.com/​viewtopic.php?​f=137&​t=27602#​p195995 \\
en/c2_gpio_key_wakeup.1500888804.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/24 18:03 by joy.cho
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