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en:c2_app_launch_via_gpio_on_android [2017/05/24 16:58]
en:c2_app_launch_via_gpio_on_android [2017/05/24 17:10] (current)
Line 155: Line 155:
 ** ODROID-C2 **\\ ** ODROID-C2 **\\
 ** ODROID-XU3/​XU4 **\\ ** ODROID-XU3/​XU4 **\\
 **9. Set the launch app by using ODROID Utility app.** **9. Set the launch app by using ODROID Utility app.**
en/c2_app_launch_via_gpio_on_android.1495614482.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/05/24 16:58 by codewalker
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