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en:c1_tft_touch [2017/07/26 15:53]
john1117 [Test your Touchscreen]
en:c1_tft_touch [2017/07/26 15:53] (current)
john1117 [TSLIB Calibration]
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 Now you can use some tools such as sudo evtest /​dev/​input/​touchscreen which will let you see touchscreen events in real time, press on the touchscreen to see the reports. Now you can use some tools such as sudo evtest /​dev/​input/​touchscreen which will let you see touchscreen events in real time, press on the touchscreen to see the reports.
   sudo evtest /​dev/​input/​touchscreen   sudo evtest /​dev/​input/​touchscreen
 +<wrap hide>
 ==== TSLIB Calibration ==== ==== TSLIB Calibration ====
 Run startx Run startx
Line 32: Line 33:
 Then, you can run following command. Then, you can run following command.
   sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/​dev/​fb2 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/​dev/​input/​touchscreen ts_test   sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/​dev/​fb2 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/​dev/​input/​touchscreen ts_test
 ==== X11 Calibration ==== ==== X11 Calibration ====
 1. The xinput-calibrator pakage download 1. The xinput-calibrator pakage download
en/c1_tft_touch.1501053808.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/07/26 15:53 by john1117
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