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en:c1_android_release_note_v3.6 [2017/05/24 18:05]
odroid [New updates]
en:c1_android_release_note_v3.6 [2017/07/06 09:05] (current)
codewalker [Summary]
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 | Release Type | Regular release | | Release Type | Regular release |
 | Release Files| [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​S805/​Android/​ODROID-C/​selfinstall-odroidc-eng-s805_4.4.4_master-453-v3.6.img.xz|Self-installation Image]] (MD5SUM: 8d8bab42374a1782077a6494d8ef0701)| | Release Files| [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​S805/​Android/​ODROID-C/​selfinstall-odroidc-eng-s805_4.4.4_master-453-v3.6.img.xz|Self-installation Image]] (MD5SUM: 8d8bab42374a1782077a6494d8ef0701)|
-| | [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​S805/​Android/​ODROID-C/​daily-odroidc-eng-s805_4.4.4_master-453-v3.6.tar.gz|Fastboot update]] (MD5SUM: 0ce24e1d493d70bd20d3a9132125678f)| 
 Since Android 5.1 on C1 series has some issues, we release a Kitkat (Android 4.4.4) update again. Since Android 5.1 on C1 series has some issues, we release a Kitkat (Android 4.4.4) update again.
en/c1_android_release_note_v3.6.1495618541.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/05/24 18:05 by odroid
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