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en:xu4_led_control [2017/05/12 21:26]
en:xu4_led_control [2017/05/12 21:29]
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-We can control the <color #​00a2e8>​**blue LED**</​color>​ with trigger node.+We can control the <color #​00a2e8>​**blue LED**</​color>​ with the trigger node in sysfs. 
 +But the red LED is hard-wired to the power input rail and we can't control it.
 **Turn off** **Turn off**
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-If you want to turn the **LED**<color #​00a2e8>​Turquoise Highlighted Text</​color>​ off permanently, edit /​etc/​rc.local file to add "echo none > /​sys/​class/​leds/​blue\:​heartbeat/​trigger"​.+<note tip>If you want to turn the <color #00a2e8>**LED**</​color>​ off automatically in boot process,\\ edit /​etc/​rc.local file to add "echo none > /​sys/​class/​leds/​blue\:​heartbeat/​trigger"​.</​note>​
en/xu4_led_control.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/12 21:31 by odroid
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