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en:xu4_hardware_hsi2c [2017/04/26 14:51]
en:xu4_hardware_hsi2c [2017/04/26 14:56]
Line 12: Line 12:
 |  :::                          |  :::                         ​| ​ 6                         ​| ​ GPA2[3](I2C_5.SCL) ​ |  188            |  SCL          | |  :::                          |  :::                         ​| ​ 6                         ​| ​ GPA2[3](I2C_5.SCL) ​ |  188            |  SCL          |
-   ** Using the HW-HSI2C(/​dev/​i2c-1) with Expansion Board. I2C Physical Address : 0x12CB0000 ** 
-   ** Must Read : Can'​t ​use SMBus Quick Write command on this bus.(Not support i2cdetect**+<note warning>​I2C-A(HS-I2C) doesn'​t ​work with i2cdetect ​command on Kenrnel 3.10.y</​note>​ 
 +  * Using the I2C-A(H/W HS-I2Cwith Expansion Board. I2C Physical Address : 0x12CB0000
en/xu4_hardware_hsi2c.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/26 14:57 by charles.park
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