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en:xu3_ubuntu_release_note_20150710 [2015/07/11 14:26]
odroid [New from previous versions]
en:xu3_ubuntu_release_note_20150710 [2015/07/17 11:15]
odroid [New from previous versions]
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 +====== Release Note of Ubuntu 15.04 (v1.1) =====
 +===== Summary =====
 +|| Release Date | 2015-07-10 ||
 +|| Release Type | Update Release ||
 +===== New updates =====
 +  * Official US West Coast: [[http://​odroid.in/​ubuntu_15.04]]
 +  * Official US East Coast: [[http://​east.us.odroid.in/​ubuntu_15.04]] (Thanks to David Beauchamp @ ArchLinuxARM)
 +  * Official EU Germany: [[http://​de.eu.odroid.in/​ubuntu_15.04]]
 +  * Official Korea Mirror: [[http://​dn.odroid.com/​5422/​ODROID-XU3/​Ubuntu/​]]
 +===== New from previous versions =====
 +  * Ubuntu 15.04
 +  * Kernel 3.10.82
 +  * Fixed SPI Clock speed problem
 +  * Fixed the random reboot issue in the power-off process
 +  * Fixed non-working UHS-1 SD-card mode if OS reboot
 +  * Added Notro fbtft driver
 +  * Enabled Triple buffering
 +  * Add support to force the following resolutions on boot.ini: 1280x800, 1440x900, 1080p50hz, 640x480, 720x480, 720x675 and 800x600
 +  * Enabled more CPU governors modes. Performance,​ Interactive,​ Conservative,​ OnDemand and PowerSave. Default governor can be selected on boot.ini
 +  * Preparations to support XU4
 +===== Known issues =====
 +  * Mali r5p1 driver has an issue on eglConfigAttrib preventing some applications to run properly.
 +  * OpenGL ES 3.1 API doesn'​t work yet
 +  * Mali fbdev performance is still very low.
 +  * Tons of issues unsubscribed. :-x
 +===== GPU acceleration on the Chromium Web browser =====
 +Edit /​etc/​chromium-browser/​default like this:\\
 +CHROMIUM_FLAGS="​ --use-gl=egl --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --num-raster-threads=2"​
 +You can see much smoother HTML rendering.
 +Try this link to test the Webgl on the ODROID.
 +[[http://​helloracer.com/​racer-s/​|Webgl demo]]
 +Tip: When you exit the full-screen mode, the screens goes just black from time to time.\\
 +Press "​Ctrl-Alt-F2"​ and "​Ctrl-Alt-F7"​ as a workaround. ​
 +**Update** \\
 +If you use the latest Chromium Ver 43 or higher, the hardware acceleration doesn'​t work if you don't enable it manually. \\
 +Enter this in the URL box of the Chromium. <​code>​chrome://​settings/</​code> ​
 +And click "Show advanced settings..."​ in the bottom side.  \\
 +Check "​System - Use hardware acceleration when available"​ and restart the Chromium.\\
 +===== Kodi crashing when exit =====
 +The Kodi(xbmc) crashes when exit.
 +Workaround : Open a virtual terminal (ctrl-alt-F2) and kill it.
 +  * killall -9 kodi.bin
 +And return to desktop (ctrl-alt-F7)
 +===== Source Code =====
 +All source code used can be found here: https://​github.com/​mdrjr/​5422_BSP
 +===== Linux Kernel =====
 +**This guide is only for the NATIVE BUILD.**
 +$ git clone --depth 1 https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​linux -b odroidxu3-3.10.y
 +$ cd linux
 +$ make odroidxu3_defconfig
 +$ make -j9
 +$ sudo make modules_install
 +$ sudo cp arch/​arm/​boot/​zImage /media/boot
 +$ sudo cp arch/​arm/​boot/​dts/​exynos5422-odroidxu3.dtb /media/boot
en/xu3_ubuntu_release_note_20150710.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/03/03 16:50 by odroid
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