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en:xu3_enhancement_gpio30 [2015/03/16 11:22]
en:xu3_enhancement_gpio30 [2015/08/28 11:20] (current)
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 +====== Basics of 30pin Port ======
 +The **ODROID-XU3** provides 30Pin GPIOs.
 +** You need to enter into super-user mode first to run below commands !! **\\
 +<​code>​ sudo su </​code>​
 +\\ \\ \\
 +**Easy to use GPIOs**\\
 +First, you refer to below link.\\
 +You check Export number that you want to use GPIO.\\
 +[[en:​xu3_hardware&#​expansion_connectors | Pin description]]
 +Create a GPIO file access.\\
 +You can access GPIOs using sysfs interface.
 +  echo 29 > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​export
 +Configure the pin direction (in/out)
 +  echo in > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio29/​direction
 +Read a value
 +  cat /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio29/​value
 +[[http://​www.hardkernel.com/​main/​products/​prdt_info.php?​g_code=G138232136481|Expansion Board]]
 +** LED ON/OFF example **\\
 +If you want to use LED ON/OFF, first you check the NET name in Expansion Board.\\
 +For example, The NET name of D1 is INT23.\\
 +According to below link, The Export GPIO number is #31.\\
 +[[en:​xu3_hardware&#​expansion_connectors | Pin description]]
 +  echo 31 > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​export
 +  echo out > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio31/​direction
 +  echo 1 > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio31/​value
 +  echo 0 > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio31/​value
 +  ​
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