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en:vu8c_backlightcontrol [2017/01/13 12:04]
joy.cho [[ Android ]]
en:vu8c_backlightcontrol [2017/03/20 09:13]
codewalker [2. Configure system init to run script on boot]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== VU8C Backlight On/Off Control by Monitor Status ====== ====== VU8C Backlight On/Off Control by Monitor Status ======
 This wiki page describes the way how to control vu8c backlight on/off when monitor status is triggered by controlling the related GPIO ports.\\ This wiki page describes the way how to control vu8c backlight on/off when monitor status is triggered by controlling the related GPIO ports.\\
-So far, Ubuntu is available with the following scheme and we're investigating it on Android platform now.+
Line 147: Line 147:
 ===== [ Android ] ===== ===== [ Android ] =====
-On Android, we are investigating how to control and run auto control scheme. \\ 
-As soon as it's done, we will make the instruction guide here. 
 ==== 1. Download script ==== ==== 1. Download script ====
 +First, set the root filesystem writable using remount command.
 +# su
 +# mount -o rw,​remount ​ /
 +Make or download the following shell script of the board model that you're using (C1 or C2)\\
 +and copy it in **/​system/​bin/​**.\\
 +And make its permission executable
 +# su
 +# chmod 755 /​system/​bin/​vu8c_backlight_c2_android.sh
 +  * ODROID-C2
 <file sh vu8c_backlight_c2_android.sh>​ <file sh vu8c_backlight_c2_android.sh>​
 path="/​sys/​class/​gpio"​ path="/​sys/​class/​gpio"​
Line 193: Line 204:
 done done
 </​file>​ </​file>​
 +  * ODROID-C1/​C1+
 +<file sh vu8c_backlight_c1_android.sh>​
-==== 2. Configure Init to run script on boot ====+path="/​sys/​class/​gpio"​
 +echo 97 > $path/​export
 +echo 108 > $path/​export
 +echo out > $path/​gpio97/​direction
 +echo out > $path/​gpio108/​direction
 +echo 0 > $path/​gpio97/​value
 +echo 0 > $path/​gpio108/​value
 +chown system system $path/​gpio97/​value
 +chown system system $path/​gpio108/​value
 +while [ 1 ]; do
 +sleep 1
 +screen_info=`dumpsys power | grep "​mScreenOn"​`
 +if [[ $screen_info == *"​false"​* && $cur_stat == "​On"​ ]]; then
 + echo "​monitor goes to Off"
 + echo 1 > $path/​gpio97/​value
 + echo 1 > $path/​gpio108/​value
 + cur_stat="​Off"​
 +elif [[ $screen_info == *"​true"​* && $cur_stat == "​Off"​ ]]; then
 + echo "​monitor turns back On"
 + echo 0 > $path/​gpio108/​value
 + echo 0 > $path/​gpio97/​value
 + cur_stat="​On"​
 +==== 2. Configure system init to run script on boot ====
 +Now, you need to register the service to run this script automatically on boot time.\\
 +Add the following lines in the end of **/​system/​init.odroid.board.rc**.\\
 +Don't forget the root filesystem should be writable as aforementioned.
 +- in case of C2
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-service ​vu8c /​system/​bin/​vu8c.sh              +# su 
 +# vi /​system/​init.odroid.board.rc 
 +service vu8c_backlight /​system/​bin/​vu8c_backlight_c2_android.sh 
 +    class main 
 +    user root 
 +    group root 
 +    oneshot 
 +- in case of C1 
 +# su 
 +# vi /​system/​init.odroid.board.rc 
 +service ​vu8c_backlight ​/​system/​bin/​vu8c_backlight_c1_android.sh
     class main                                ​     class main                                ​
     user root                                      user root                                 
     group root                                ​     group root                                ​
     oneshot ​           oneshot ​      
 +And then, reboot the system.
 +# reboot
 </​code>​ </​code>​
en/vu8c_backlightcontrol.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/09 15:39 by codewalker
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