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en:opengleslinux [2014/06/30 16:33]
ruppi [OpenGL ES Book Samples]
en:opengleslinux [2014/07/01 11:52] (current)
ruppi [Other OpenGL ES Applications]
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 +===== Preface =====
 + * This page will guide you to get support of Mali X11 3D acceleration.
 + * You'll be able to test all the aspects of a Embedded System OpenGL|ES implementation.
 +===== Pre-requisite =====
 +===== Ubuntu Version =====
 + * To get the Mali support working you'll need Ubuntu 9-Feb image and upwards.
 + * Check below the Download link for your board.
 +==== ODROID-X ====
 + * http://​forum.odroid.com/​viewtopic.php?​f=22&​t=28
 +==== ODROID-X2 ====
 + * http://​forum.odroid.com/​viewtopic.php?​f=15&​t=27
 +==== ODROID-U2 ====
 + * http://​forum.odroid.com/​viewtopic.php?​f=8&​t=12
 +===== Development Libs =====
 + * All the needed development files can be installed with the command below:
 + * sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libpng12-dev libx11-dev libglu1-mesa-dev subversion build-essential autoconf automake make libtool xorg-dev xutils-dev libdrm-dev libdri2-1 libdri2-dev git libglew1.6 libglew1.6-dev
 +===== Speed test : Mesa Software rendering vs Mali400 Hardware rendering =====
 + * Before installing or doing anything on your stock image. I welcome you to test the difference between software and hardware.
 + * Let's start Mali 3D driven glmark2-es2.
 + * Open a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-t)
 + * Install : sudo apt-get install glmark2-es2
 + * Run: glmark2-es2
 +    glmark2 2012.08
 +    OpenGL Information
 +    GL_VENDOR: ​    ARM
 +    GL_RENDERER: ​  ​Mali-400 MP
 +    GL_VERSION: ​   OpenGL ES 2.0
 +    glmark2 Score: 70 
 + * Let's start Mesa Software driven glmark2.
 + * Open a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-t)
 + * Install : sudo apt-get install glmark2
 + * Run: glmark2
 +    glmark2 2012.08
 +    OpenGL Information
 +    GL_VENDOR: ​    Mesa Project
 +    GL_RENDERER: ​  ​Software Rasterizer
 +    GL_VERSION: ​   2.1 Mesa 8.0.4
 +    glmark2 Score: 2 
 + * Mali 3D accelerator is roughly 35 times faster!
 +This is the screen shot of glmark2.
 + * 3D rendering performance is significantly affected by desktop of Linux. These are the score of glmark2-es2.
 +    * Unity : 70 pts
 +    * xfce : 110 pts
 +    * lxde : 140 pts
 +* You can download the full source code of glmark-es2, if you want.
 + ​apt-get source glmark2-es
 +===== Mali MP400-4 Specs =====
 +The Mali MP400 GPU on the your ODROID (X/X2/U2/U) board has: 
 +  * 256KiB of L2 Cache
 +  * 4 GPU Cores (Known as PP)
 +  * Can Support OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0
 +  * Full compliance with Khronos OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0 API
 +  * FSAA (Full Scene Anti Aliasing)
 +  * High Working frequency (440Mhz for ODROID-X/U and 533Mhz for ODROID-X2/​U2)
 +  * Overclock Capabilities
 +  * 4xAA Multi-sampling with almost no performance drop
 +  * 16xAA outperforming all implementations of comparable quality
 +The kernel source code is fully GPL open source.
 +User land X11 3D libaries are IP of ARM and those are closed source.
 +===== Building Mesa Demos from Source =====
 + - Make sure you have passed the dependencies and Mali drivers without issues.
 + - Download mesa-demos sources
 +git clone --depth 1 git://​anongit.freedesktop.org/​mesa/​demos
 + - Build it using:
 +  ./​autogen.sh
 +  make
 + - Under the src folder, you'll find a lot of examples including the folder opengles2, with es2gears_x11,​ s2tri and es2_info. Also you'll find alot of OpenGL and Software Rasterizer sinde.
 +===== OpenGL ES Book Samples =====
 + - Make sure you have passed the dependencies and Mali drivers without issues.
 + - Download sources using:
 + * svn checkout http://​opengles-book-samples.googlecode.com/​svn/​trunk/​ opengles-book-samples-read-only
 + - Build using:
 +$cd opengles-book-samples-read-only/​LinuxX11
 + - Check the Chapter_* folders, You'll find the built in programs as well their sources
 + * You can find more information of this book as well it on the References part of this page
 +===== Other OpenGL ES Applications =====
 +There are other OpenGL ES application that can be tried on the platform.
 +$apt-cache search "​OpenGL ES"
 +The command above will show you few application written for OpenGL ES
 +A good testing application will be glmark2-es2. Install it using:
 +$apt-get install glmark2-es2
 +===== For Developers =====
 + * For developers compiling their own application above is listed the CFLAGS and Linker Flags to use Mali:
 + - CFLAGS: -I/​usr/​include/​EGL -I/​usr/​include/​GLES -I/​usr/​include/​GLES2 -I/​usr/​include/​KHR
 + - Linker: -lEGL -lGLES -LGLES2
 +===== Known Issues =====
 + * Unity3D Known to be buggy on Standard OpenGL ES. A fix waited.
 + * Compiz wraps OpenGL content into OpenGL ES causing heavy instabilities as well frame rate dropping.
 + * XBMC, the present version of XBMC inside Linaro'​s repo, is old and doesn'​t support the Exynos MFC, so its software decoding everything. Its known that a team of developers is fixing XBMC on Linux to build again over X11 GLES. This wiki will be update as soon as we heard from them.
 +===== References =====
 + * Mali Developer SDK: http://​malideveloper.arm.com/​develop-for-mali/​sdks/​opengl-es-sdk-for-linux/​
 + * OpenGL ES Book: http://​www.opengles-book.com/​
 + * Khronos OpenGL ES API: http://​www.khronos.org/​registry/​gles/​
 + * ARM Mali 400 MP: http://​www.arm.com/​products/​multimedia/​mali-graphics-hardware/​mali-400-mp.php
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