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en:c2_ubuntu_release_note_v2.2 [2017/01/07 17:09]
odroid [Known issues]
en:c2_ubuntu_release_note_v2.2 [2017/01/22 17:44]
odroid [Known issues and notes]
Line 22: Line 22:
   * Better stability ​   * Better stability ​
   * Option to control UHS feature   * Option to control UHS feature
-  * Improves ​stability for USB Dongles+  * Improves USB device detection (http://​forum.odroid.com/​viewtopic.php?​f=139&​t=25079#​p173356)
   * Added HDMI 480x800 resolution   * Added HDMI 480x800 resolution
-  * Custom resolution support+  * Custom ​HDMI resolution support
   * Support Mali GPU on 3.5" LCD   * Support Mali GPU on 3.5" LCD
   * Dirty-COW Bug Fix   * Dirty-COW Bug Fix
Line 30: Line 30:
 ==== Userspace Update ==== ==== Userspace Update ====
-  ​* Ubuntu updated to 16.04.1 LTS release +  * Improved Mali rendering performance ​(bug fix in fbturbo driver)
-  ​* Improved Mali rendering performance+
-===== Known issues =====+===== Known issues ​and tips =====
   * mySQL/KVM needs an editing of boot.ini file to change the system timer source to ARMv8 Architecture from the Meson. But the ARMv8 timer affects the VPU/GPU system accuracy.   * mySQL/KVM needs an editing of boot.ini file to change the system timer source to ARMv8 Architecture from the Meson. But the ARMv8 timer affects the VPU/GPU system accuracy.
   * NTP time syncing takes long time (sometimes around 1~2 minutes)   * NTP time syncing takes long time (sometimes around 1~2 minutes)
   * GPU acceleration should be enabled manually. Add below line into /​etc/​chromium-browser/​default file.   * GPU acceleration should be enabled manually. Add below line into /​etc/​chromium-browser/​default file.
-     <​code>​CHROMIUM_FLAGS="​ --use-gl=egl --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --num-raster-threads=2"</​code>​+  * <​code>​CHROMIUM_FLAGS="​ --use-gl=egl --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --num-raster-threads=2"</​code>​ 
 +  * The root file system will be resized in the first booting process. OS will reboot automatically to complete the resizing process. 
 +  * To enable Auto-login, edit /​usr/​share/​lightdm/​lightdm.conf.d/​60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf file like this. 
 +autologin-user=odroid </​code>​ 
 ===== How to update the kernel and system ===== ===== How to update the kernel and system =====
en/c2_ubuntu_release_note_v2.2.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/21 13:45 by odroid
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