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en:c2_ubuntu_release_note_v1.2 [2016/06/22 08:22]
mdrjr [Linux Kernel]
en:c2_ubuntu_release_note_v1.2 [2016/08/19 17:58]
odroid [Userspace Update]
Line 36: Line 36:
   * Disabled composting on Mate   * Disabled composting on Mate
   * 64-Bit Chromium with EGL Enabled   * 64-Bit Chromium with EGL Enabled
-  * Kodi 16.1 +  * Kodi 16.1 (Auto-framerate-switching [Adjust display refresh rate] works if HPD option is changed)
   * CEC Support   * CEC Support
   * apt-fast installed   * apt-fast installed
Line 55: Line 55:
   * <​code>​sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade </​code>​   * <​code>​sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade </​code>​
 +===== Black screen after running "sudo apt-get autoremove"​ =====
 +  * If you do "sudo apt-get autoremove"​ , the essential video drivers can be removed accidentally. In that case, run "sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-mali mali-x11 kodi aml-libs"​ to recover it.
 ===== The default boot.ini in V2.0 ===== ===== The default boot.ini in V2.0 =====
   * Available here: https://​github.com/​mdrjr/​c2_bootini/​blob/​master/​boot.ini   * Available here: https://​github.com/​mdrjr/​c2_bootini/​blob/​master/​boot.ini
en/c2_ubuntu_release_note_v1.2.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/09/20 10:16 by odroid
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