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en:c1_tinkering [2015/04/10 14:54]
en:c1_tinkering [2017/03/27 09:38]
brian.kim [Python example]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Introduction C Tinkering Kit on Ubuntu ======
 +You're probably itching to make some fun embedded computer projects with **ODROID-C**. What you need is an add on prototyping T-breakout board, which can break out all those tasty power, GPIO, I2C, ADC pins from the 40 pin header onto a solderless breadboard. This set will make "​cobbling together"​ prototypes with the **ODROID-C** super easy.
 +This kit comes with below many items.
 +  * Assembled T-breakout PCB - 40Pin GPIO Breakout board
 +  * Breadboard - 630 Tie-points with dual power lanes
 +  * 40pin Ribbon cable - IDC Flat cable 100mm
 +  * 40pin Male-to-Male Dupont jumper Wire 170mm
 +  * 7 x Green LED 3mm
 +  * 7 x Yellow LED 3mm
 +  * 7 x Red LED 3mm
 +  * 2 x Photo Cell (CdS Light sensor)
 +  * 6 x Tact Switchs
 +  * 50 x 330 Ohm 1/6W resister
 +  * 50 x 10K Ohm 1/6W resister
 +[[http://​www.hardkernel.com/​main/​products/​prdt_info.php?​g_code=G141637532784|Where to buy]]
 +====== DIY light level meter project ======
 +Configuration tinkering kit such as below schematic.
 +Please refer to below links for ODROID-C2 user or details related to gpio mapping.
 +[[en:​c1_hardware#​expansion_connectors | C1 Expansion Connectors]]\\
 +[[en:​c2_hardware#​expansion_connectors | C2 Expansion Connectors]]
 +===== Linux =====
 +==== C example ====
 +1. Get the wiringPi library compatible **ODROID**
 +  git clone https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​wiringPi
 +2. Build the library
 +  cd wiringPi
 +  ./build
 +3. Compile and run the example source code.
 +  wget http://​dn.odroid.com/​source_peripherals/​ctinkeringkit/​example-led.c
 +  gcc -o example-led example-led.c -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev -lpthread
 +  sudo ./​example-led
 +==== Python example ====
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​WiringPi2-Python|WiringPi2-Python repository for ODROID]]
 +**Prerequisites**:​ You must have //​**python-dev**//​ and //​**python-setuptools**//​ installed If you manually rebuild the bindings with swig-python wiringpi.i
 +  sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools swig3.0
 +  ​
 +1. Get/setup WiringPi 2 for Python repository
 +git clone https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​WiringPi2-Python.git
 +cd WiringPi2-Python
 +git submodule init
 +git submodule update
 +2. Build & install
 +  swig3.0 -python -threads wiringpi.i
 +  sudo python setup.py build install
 +3. Get/Run the example source code
 +  wget http://​dn.odroid.com/​source_peripherals/​ctinkeringkit/​example-led.py
 +  sudo python example-led.py
 +===== Android =====
 +This process explains how to make an Android app which can access IO ports.\\
 +You need to install Google Android SDK/NDK on your host PC first to start below steps.
 +Insert this line into your ~/.bashrc file.
 +export NDK_PATH=/​home/​xxx/​android-ndk-r10d
 +1. Download the wiringPi library and example App source code.
 +# git clone https://​github.com/​codewalkerster/​example-led
 +2. Build a JNI library
 +$ cd example-led
 +$ cd jni
 +$ ndk-build
 +Android NDK: WARNING: APP_PLATFORM android-16 is larger than android:​minSdkVersion 7 in /​media/​codewalker/​92fc070a-3bc1-43e0-af27-03d08ba9dd3e/​home/​codewalker/​workspace/​xxxx/​example-led/​AndroidManifest.xml ​   ​
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= wiringPi.c
 +/​media/​codewalker/​92fc070a-3bc1-43e0-af27-03d08ba9dd3e/​home/​codewalker/​workspace/​xxxx/​example-led/​jni/​wiringPi/​wiringPi.c:​147:​0:​ warning: "​PAGE_SIZE"​ redefined [enabled by default]
 + #​define PAGE_SIZE ​  ​(4*1024)
 + ^
 +In file included from /​home/​codewalker/​projects/​android-ndk-r10d/​platforms/​android-21/​arch-arm/​usr/​include/​signal.h:​34:​0,​
 +                 from /​home/​codewalker/​projects/​android-ndk-r10d/​platforms/​android-21/​arch-arm/​usr/​include/​poll.h:​34,​
 +                 from /​media/​codewalker/​92fc070a-3bc1-43e0-af27-03d08ba9dd3e/​home/​codewalker/​workspace/​xxxx/​example-led/​jni/​wiringPi/​wiringPi.c:​59:​
 +/​home/​codewalker/​projects/​android-ndk-r10d/​platforms/​android-21/​arch-arm/​usr/​include/​limits.h:​119:​0:​ note: this is the location of the previous definition
 + #​define PAGE_SIZE 4096
 + ^
 +/​media/​codewalker/​92fc070a-3bc1-43e0-af27-03d08ba9dd3e/​home/​codewalker/​workspace/​xxxx/​example-led/​jni/​wiringPi/​wiringPi.c:​ In function '​interruptHandler':​
 +/​media/​codewalker/​92fc070a-3bc1-43e0-af27-03d08ba9dd3e/​home/​codewalker/​workspace/​xxxx/​example-led/​jni/​wiringPi/​wiringPi.c:​1865:​7:​ warning: return makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
 +       ​return wiringPiFailure (WPI_FATAL, "​wiringPiISR:​ wiringPi has not been initialised. Unable to continue.\n"​) ;
 +       ^
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= wiringShift.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= piHiPri.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= piThread.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= wiringPiSPI.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= wiringPiI2C.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= softPwm.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= softTone.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp23008.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp23016.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp23017.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp23s08.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp23s17.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= sr595.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= pcf8574.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= pcf8591.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp3002.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp3004.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp4802.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= mcp3422.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= max31855.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= max5322.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPi <= sn3218.c
 +[armeabi] SharedLibrary ​ : libwiringPi.so
 +[armeabi] Install ​       : libwiringPi.so => libs/​armeabi/​libwiringPi.so
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= ds1302.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= maxdetect.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= piNes.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= gertboard.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= piFace.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= lcd128x64.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= lcd.c
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wiringPiDev <= piGlow.c
 +[armeabi] SharedLibrary ​ : libwiringPiDev.so
 +[armeabi] Install ​       : libwiringPiDev.so => libs/​armeabi/​libwiringPiDev.so
 +[armeabi] Compile thumb  : wpi_android <= wpi_android.c
 +[armeabi] SharedLibrary ​ : libwpi_android.so
 +[armeabi] Install ​       : libwpi_android.so => libs/​armeabi/​libwpi_android.so ​
 +3. Import existing project to the eclipse IDE.
 +4. Run example-led
 +5. Source code browsing!
 +**//Add below items in jni/​Android.mk to build libwingPi.so and libwingPiDev.so//​** ​
 +include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 +    $(NDK_PATH)/​platforms/​android-21/​arch-arm/​usr/​include \
 +    $(LOCAL_PATH)/​wiringPi
 +LOCAL_MODULE ​   := wiringPi
 +    wiringPi/​wiringPi.c \
 +    wiringPi/​wiringShift.c \
 +    wiringPi/​piHiPri.c \
 +    wiringPi/​piThread.c \
 +    wiringPi/​wiringPiSPI.c \
 +    wiringPi/​wiringPiI2C.c \
 +    wiringPi/​softPwm.c \
 +    wiringPi/​softTone.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp23008.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp23016.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp23017.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp23s08.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp23s17.c \
 +    wiringPi/​sr595.c \
 +    wiringPi/​pcf8574.c \
 +    wiringPi/​pcf8591.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp3002.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp3004.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp4802.c \
 +    wiringPi/​mcp3422.c \
 +    wiringPi/​max31855.c \
 +    wiringPi/​max5322.c \
 +    wiringPi/​sn3218.c
 +LOCAL_LDLIBS ​   := -ldl -llog
 +include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 +    $(NDK_PATH)/​platforms/​android-21/​arch-arm/​usr/​include \
 +    $(LOCAL_PATH)/​wiringPi
 +LOCAL_MODULE ​   := wiringPiDev
 +    devLib/​ds1302.c \
 +    devLib/​maxdetect.c \
 +    devLib/​piNes.c \
 +    devLib/​gertboard.c \
 +    devLib/​piFace.c \
 +    devLib/​lcd128x64.c \
 +    devLib/​lcd.c \
 +    devLib/​piGlow.c
 +//**Make some JNI API functions to access the wirinPi library.**//​
 +jint Java_com_hardkernel_wiringpi_MainActivity_analogRead(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint port) {
 +    return analogRead(port);​
 +void Java_com_hardkernel_wiringpi_MainActivity_digitalWrite(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint port, jint onoff) {
 +    digitalWrite(port,​ onoff);
 +int Java_com_hardkernel_wiringpi_MainActivity_wiringPiSetupSys(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
 +    wiringPiSetupSys();​
 +    return 0;
 +//**Declare GPIO ports.**//
 +    private final int ledPorts[] = {
 +        97, // GPIOX.BIT0(#​97)
 +        108, // GPIOX.BIT11(#​108)
 +        100, // GPIOX.BIT3(#​100)
 +        101, // GPIOX.BIT4(#​101)
 +        105, // GPIOX.BIT8(#​105)
 +        106, // GPIOX.BIT9(#​106)
 +        107, // GPIOX.BIT10(#​107)
 +        115,  // GPIOX.BIT18(#​115)
 +        116,  // GPIOX.BIT19(#​116)
 +        88,  // GPIOY.BIT8(#​88)
 +        83,  // GPIOY.BIT3(#​83)
 +        87,  // GPIOY.BIT7(#​87)
 +        104,  // GPIOX.BIT7(#​104)
 +        102,  // GPIOX.BIT5(#​102)
 +        103,  // GPIOX.BIT6(#​103)
 +        117, // GPIOX.BIT20(#​117)
 +        99, // GPIOX.BIT2(#​99)
 +        118, // GPIOX.BIT21(#​118)
 +        98, // GPIOX.BIT1(#​98)
 +    };
 +//**Define JNI functions**//​
 +    public native int wiringPiSetupSys();​
 +    public native int analogRead(int port);
 +    public native void digitalWrite(int port, int onoff);
 +    static {
 +        System.loadLibrary("​wpi_android"​);​
 +    }
 +//​**Generate GPIO access nodes**//
 +Make SYSFS GPIO access nodes with the /​sys/​class/​gpio/​export \\
 +Change the GPIO pins to output mode via direction node.\\ Don't forget to change the permissions for those nodes.
 +    boolean exportGPIO() {
 +        try {
 +            DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(mProcess.getOutputStream());​
 +            for (int port: ledPorts) {
 +                os.writeBytes("​echo " +  port + " > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​export\n"​);​
 +                os.writeBytes("​chmod 666 /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio"​ + port + "/​direction\n"​);​
 +                os.writeBytes("​echo out > /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio"​ + port + "/​direction\n"​);​
 +                os.writeBytes("​chmod 666 /​sys/​class/​gpio/​gpio"​ + port + "/​value\n"​);​
 +            }
 +            os.flush();
 +        } catch (IOException e1) {
 +            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 +            e1.printStackTrace();​
 +            return false;
 +        }
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +Korean: wiringPi의 "/​dev/​mem"​을 open 하여 mmap을 사용하는 방식으로 만들려고 하였으니 "/​dev/​mem"​은 root가 아니면 접근을 제한하도록 되어 있어서 불가능합니다.
 +jni의 library에는 root 권한을 줄 방법이 없습니다.
 +English: It was impossible to access the /dev/mem in the Android platform because only root can access it.
 +There is no way to add a root permission to the JNI library.
 +//​**Let'​s display and access the GPIO**//
 +This function runs every 100msec.\\
 +It reads the ADC value and update the GUI as well as LED level meter.\\
 +The CdS optical sensor is connected to the ADC.\\
 +    public void update() {
 +        int i = 0;
 +        int adcValue = 0;
 +        int ledPos = 0;
 +        if ((adcValue = analogRead (PORT_ADC1)) > 0) {
 +            ledPos = (adcValue * ledPorts.length * 1000) / 1024;
 +            ledPos = (ledPorts.length - (ledPos / 1000));
 +            mADC.setProgress(adcValue);​
 +        } else
 +            ledPos = 0;
 +        for (i = 0; i < ledPorts.length;​ i++) {
 +            digitalWrite (ledPorts[i],​ 0);
 +            mLeds.get(i).setChecked(false);​
 +        }
 +        for (i = 0; i < ledPos; i++) {
 +            digitalWrite (ledPorts[i],​ 1);
 +            mLeds.get(i).setChecked(true);​
 +        }
 +        if (!mStop)
 +            handler.postDelayed(runnable,​ 100);
 +    }
 +Note that wiringPiSetupSys() should be called once to initialize the wiringPi library.
en/c1_tinkering.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/27 09:38 by brian.kim
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