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en:androidplatformbuildguideforexynos4412 [2014/12/08 11:36]
en:androidplatformbuildguideforexynos4412 [2014/12/08 11:36] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Android platform build guide for Exynos-4412 ======
 +=== How to download and build the Android source code ===
 +== android-4.1.2 ==
 +$ repo init -u https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​android.git -b 4412_4.1.2_master
 +$ repo sync
 +$ repo start 4412_4.1.2_master --all
 +$ ./​build_android.sh odroidu[x,​x2,​q,​q2]
 +If you use ODROID-U3, the build option must be “./​build_android.sh odroidu”. ​
 +$ repo forall -c git reset --hard 4412_v2.x
 +== android-4.4.x ==
 +$ repo init -u https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​android.git -b 4412_4.4.x_master
 +$ repo sync
 +$ repo start 4412_4.4.x_master --all
 +$ ./build.sh odroidxu platform
 +If you use ODROID-U3, the build option must be “./​build.sh odroidu platform”. ​
 +* Visit this link to install the repo.
 +* To get the same version source of this Alpha 2.0 in the future, try below command of tag.
 +$ repo forall -c git reset --hard 4412_v4.x
 +==== How to download the Kernel source code and build ====
 +==  Install cross compiler ==
 +$ unxz arm-2010q1.tar.xz
 +$ tar xvf arm-2010q1.tar
 +$ sudo mkdir /​opt/​toolchains
 +$ sudo mv arm-2010q1 /​opt/​toolchains/​
 +$ vi ~/.bashrc
 +export PATH=$PATH:/​opt/​toolchains/​arm-2010q1/​bin
 +export ARCH=arm
 +export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
 +$ source ~/.bashrc
 +$ arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version
 +arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010q1-202) 4.4.1
 +Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 +This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. ​ There is NO
 +== anroid-4.1.2 ==
 +$ git clone https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​linux.git -b odroid-3.0.y-android
 +$ cd linux
 +$ make odroidu[x,​x2,​q,​q2]_android_defconfig
 +$ make -j8
 +If you use ODROID-U3, the make option must be "make odroidu_android_defconfig"​.
 +== anroid-4.4.3 ==
 +$ git clone https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​linux.git -b odroid-3.0.y-android
 +$ cd linux
 +$ make odroidu[x,​x2]_android_442_defconfig
 +$ make -j8
 +If you use ODROID-U3, the make option must be "make odroidu_android_defconfig"​.
 +Write kernel
 +In the host PC.
 +#fastboot flash kernel arch/​arm/​boot/​zIamge
 +Reboot system
 +In the host PC.
 +#fastboot reboot
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