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This page show how to install the Google Play and how to use it.


If you don't install the Android OS to media, please visit this page to install Android OS.

To install the Google Play, you have to connect ODROID-C2 to network by Ethernet or WIFI.
And optionally, if you want to download google play installer by PC, you have to connect ODROID-C2 and host PC by OTG cable.

How to install


First, please open the browser and connect to opengapps, and download opegnapps for Android 6.0.
We recommend using pico version, but also ODROID-C2 android support micro and nano versions.

Please wait for the downloading!!
If downloading isn't finished, opengapps file can be corrupted!


After download opengapps package, open the ODROID Utility apps to install the opengapps.
Click the top right button and “Package install from storage”, and select the opegapps package.
If you downloaded it, the file located at /storage/emulated/0/Download/.
After select the opengapps installer,please wait few a minutes for installing Google Play.
ODROID-C2 will be rebooted few times in this progress.

Login to Google Play

when you play the Google Play first time, you have to do login.

odroid-c2/gettingstart/c2_gettingstart_googleplay.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/05 11:36 by luke.go
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