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en:show_usage_show_examples [2014/12/17 17:20] (current)
john1117 created
Line 1: Line 1:
 +===== Setting environmental =====
 +Download ODROID-SHOW source code first.\\
 +Then connect microUSB cable to the Host PC with ODROID-SHOW.\\
 +Finally check the serial port number and run bash shell script file.
 +**Jumper must be not connected to ODROID-SHOW when you run sclript or echo**
 +==== Download ODROID-SHOW source code ====
 +> sudo apt-get install git
 +> git clone https://​github.com/​hardkernel/​ODROID-SHOW
 +==== Check the serial port number after connecting the micro-USB cable ====
 +> ls /​dev/​ttyUSB*
 +==== Modify the serial port number ====
 +In the ODROID-SHOW/​example/​linux
 +<code c>
 +#include <​stdio.h>​
 +#include <​fcntl.h>​
 +#include <​termios.h>​
 +#include <​errno.h>​
 +#define baudrate B500000
 +const char serialPort[] = "/​dev/​ttyUSB0";​
 +int main(void)
 + int usbdev;
 + struct termios options;
 + usbdev = open(serialPort,​ O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
 + if (usbdev == -1)
 + perror("​open_port : Unable to open:"​);​
 + tcgetattr(usbdev,​ &​options);​
 + cfsetispeed(&​options,​ baudrate);
 + cfsetospeed(&​options,​ baudrate);
 + options.c_cflag |= CS8;
 + options.c_iflag |= IGNBRK;
 + options.c_iflag &= ~( BRKINT | ICRNL | IMAXBEL | IXON);
 + options.c_oflag &= ~( OPOST | ONLCR );
 + options.c_lflag &= ~( ISIG | ICANON | IEXTEN | ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHOCTL | ECHOKE);
 + options.c_lflag |= NOFLSH;
 + options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
 + tcsetattr(usbdev,​ TCSANOW, &​options);​
 + while(1)
 + sleep(0.2);​
 + return 0;
 +=== Compile the port_open.c ===
 +> gcc -o port_open port_open.c
 +===== Bash example =====
 +This bash script can display 2 text strings with different color and different font size.\\
 +Open the “/​dev/​ttyUSB0” port and sending VT100/ANSI commands with a couple of strings.\\
 +It also changes the color of strings.
 +==== Text output ====
 +In the ODROID-SHOW/​example/​linux/​ODROID.sh
 +<code bash>
 +trap "​flag=1"​ SIGINT SIGKILL SIGTERM
 +./port_open &
 +echo -ne "​\e[5s\e[0r"​ > $serialPort
 +sleep 0.1
 +echo -ne "​\ec"​ > $serialPort
 +sleep 0.1
 +while true
 + if [ $flag -ne 0 ] ; then
 + echo -ne "​\ec\e[2s\e[1r"​ > $serialPort
 + kill $subppid
 + exit
 + fi
 + for ((j=1; j<8; j++)); do
 + echo -ne "​\e[25;​100f"​ > $serialPort
 + for ((i=0; i<6; i++)); do
 + echo -ne "​\e[3"​$j"​m\e[3"​$j"​m${DATA[0]:​$i:​1}"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.02
 + done
 + echo -ne "​\eE\e[55;​150f"​ > $serialPort
 + for ((i=0; i<4; i++)); do
 + echo -ne "​\e[3"​$j"​m\e[3"​$j"​m${DATA[1]:​$i:​1}"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.02
 + done
 + done
 +==== Show your ODROID'​s Stats ====
 +This bash script show the ODROID’s stats and clock.\\
 +To run this script, you need to install the sysstat first.
 +> sudo apt-get install sysstat
 +This script will show the clock, 4-core load status, CPU frequency and CPU temperature.
 +In the ODROID-SHOW/​example/​linux/​status.sh
 +<code bash>
 +trap "​flag=1"​ SIGINT SIGKILL SIGTERM
 +./port_open &
 +echo -ne "​\ec\e[2s\e[3r"​ > $serialPort
 +sleep 0.1
 +function cpu_state {
 + cpuFreqM=$(echo "​scale=0;​ " `cat /​sys/​devices/​system/​cpu/​cpu0/​cpufreq/​scaling_cur_freq` "/​1000"​ | bc)
 + cpuTempM=$(echo "​scale=1;​ " `cat /​sys/​class/​thermal/​thermal_zone0/​temp` "/​1000"​ | bc)
 +while true
 + if [ $flag -ne 0 ] ; then
 + echo -ne "​\ec\e[2s\e[1r"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + kill $subppid
 + exit
 + fi
 + echo -ne "​\e[H\e[35mTime : \e[36m"​ > $serialPort
 + date +"​%T"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\eE\eM\e[32mcore0 : \e[31m"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + mpstat -P 0 | grep -A1 "​usr"​ | grep -v "​usr"​ | awk '​{print ""​$4"​% ​  "​}'​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\eE\eM\e[32mcore1 : \e[31m"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + mpstat -P 1 | grep -A1 "​usr"​ | grep -v "​usr"​ | awk '​{print ""​$4"​% ​  "​}'​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\eE\eM\e[32mcore2 : \e[31m"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + mpstat -P 2 | grep -A1 "​usr"​ | grep -v "​usr"​ | awk '​{print ""​$4"​% ​  "​}'​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\eE\eM\e[32mcore3 : \e[31m"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + mpstat -P 3 | grep -A1 "​usr"​ | grep -v "​usr"​ | awk '​{print ""​$4"​% ​  "​}'​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + cpu_state
 + echo -ne "​\eE\eM"​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\e[33mCPU Freq: \e[37m"​$cpuFreqM"​MHz ​  ​\eE"​ > $serialPort
 + echo -ne "​\e[33mCPU Temp: \e[37m$cpuTempM\e ​  "​ > $serialPort
 + sleep 0.1
 +==== Image display ====
 +You can display a graphic image on the ODROID-SHOW.\\
 +It supports only raw RGB-565 format.
 +We used ffmpeg to convert a normal PNG file to raw RGB file. Note that you must resize the PNG file first.
 +> sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
 +You can convert it with this command. If the conversion is success, you will have the penguin.raw file.
 +> ffmpeg -vcodec png -i penguin.png -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 penguin.raw
 +You can set the image load mode with the pixel coordination parameters.
 +In the ODROID-SHOW/​example/​linux/​images.h
 +<code bash>
 +trap "​flag=1"​ SIGINT SIGKILL SIGTERM
 +./port_open &
 +echo -ne "​\ec\e[0r"​ > $serial
 +sleep 0.3
 +while true
 + if [ $flag -ne 0 ] ; then
 + echo -ne "​\ec\e[1r"​ > $serial
 + kill $subppid
 + exit
 + fi
 + echo -ne "​\e[0r"​ > $serial
 + sleep 0.2
 + echo -ne "​\e[0;​0,​240;​320i"​ > $serial
 + cat penguin.raw > $serial
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\e[1r"​ > $serial
 + sleep 0.2
 + echo -ne "​\e[0;​0,​320;​240i"​ > $serial
 + cat butterfly.raw > $serial
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\e[0r"​ > $serial
 + sleep 0.2
 + echo -ne "​\e[0;​0,​240;​320i"​ > $serial
 + cat woof.raw > $serial
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\ec\e[0r"​ > $serial
 + sleep 0.3
 + echo -ne "​\e[40;​10,​220;​200i"​ > $serial
 + cat paint.raw > $serial
 + sleep 0.1
 + echo -ne "​\ec\e[1r"​ > $serial
 + sleep 0.3
 + echo -ne "​\e[10;​10,​190;​200i"​ > $serial
 + cat paint.raw > $serial
 + sleep 0.1
 +===== Linux C example =====
 +In the ODROID-SHOW/​example/​linux/​status.c
 +> gcc -o status status.c
 +==== Show your x86 Stats ====
 +<code c>
 +#include <​stdio.h>​
 +#include <​string.h>​
 +#include <​assert.h>​
 +#include <​time.h>​
 +#include <​sys/​utsname.h>​
 +#include <​sys/​statvfs.h>​
 +#include <​math.h>​
 +#include <​fcntl.h>​
 +#include <​termios.h>​
 +#include <​errno.h>​
 +#define baudrate B500000
 +#define String_startsWith(s,​ match) (strstr((s),​ (match)) == (s))
 +const char procstat[] = "/​proc/​stat";​
 +const char serialPort[] = "/​dev/​ttyUSB0";​
 +const char mountPath[] = "/";​
 +typedef struct CPUData_ {
 + unsigned long long int totalTime;
 + unsigned long long int userTime;
 + unsigned long long int totalPeriod;​
 + unsigned long long int userPeriod;
 +} CPUData;
 +struct diskData_ {
 + unsigned long disk_size;
 + unsigned long used;
 + unsigned long free;
 +int serialSetup(void)
 + int usbdev;
 + struct termios options;
 + usbdev = open(serialPort,​ O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
 + if (usbdev == -1)
 + perror("​open_port : Unable to open:"​);​
 + tcgetattr(usbdev,​ &​options);​
 + cfsetispeed(&​options,​ baudrate);
 + cfsetospeed(&​options,​ baudrate);
 + options.c_cflag |= CS8;
 + options.c_iflag |= IGNBRK;
 + options.c_iflag &= ~( BRKINT | ICRNL | IMAXBEL | IXON);
 + options.c_oflag &= ~( OPOST | ONLCR );
 + options.c_lflag &= ~( ISIG | ICANON | IEXTEN | ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK |
 + options.c_lflag |= NOFLSH;
 + options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
 + tcsetattr(usbdev,​ TCSANOW, &​options);​
 + return usbdev;
 +struct diskData_ diskSpace(const char *Path)
 + struct statvfs vfs;
 + struct diskData_ diskData;
 + if (!statvfs(Path,​ &vfs)) {
 + diskData.disk_size = vfs.f_blocks * vfs.f_bsize;​
 + diskData.free = vfs.f_bfree * vfs.f_bsize;​
 + diskData.used = diskData.disk_size - diskData.free;​
 + }
 + return diskData;
 +int cpuCount(char *buf, int cpus)
 + FILE *file = fopen(procstat,​ "​r"​);​
 + assert(file != NULL);
 + do {
 + cpus++;
 + fgets(buf,​ 255, file);
 + } while (String_startsWith(buf,​ "​cpu"​));​
 + fclose(file);​
 + return cpus;
 +void systemInfo(int fd, char *buf)
 + time_t t;
 + struct utsname uts;
 + time(&​t);​
 + sprintf(buf,​ "​\e[35m%s\r",​ ctime(&​t));​
 + write(fd, buf, strlen(buf) + 1);
 + usleep(300000);​
 + uname(&​uts);​
 + sprintf(buf,​ "​\e[37mOSname:​\e[36m%s\n\r",​ uts.sysname);​
 + write(fd, buf, strlen(buf) + 1);
 + sprintf(buf,​ "​\e[37mVersion:​\e[36m%s\n\r",​ uts.release);​
 + write(fd, buf, strlen(buf) + 1);
 + sprintf(buf,​ "​\e[37mMachine:​\e[36m%s\n\r",​ uts.machine);​
 + write(fd, buf, strlen(buf) + 1);
 +int main(void)
 + unsigned long long int usertime, nicetime, systemtime, systemalltime,​
 + idlealltime,​ idletime, totaltime, virtalltime;​
 + double total = 0;
 + char buffer[256];​
 + int cpus = -1;
 + int i;
 + time_t t;
 + struct utsname uts;
 + int usbdev;
 + usbdev = serialSetup();​
 + FILE *file;
 + const unsigned int GB = 1024*1024*1024;​
 + struct diskData_ diskData;
 + diskData = diskSpace(mountPath);​
 + diskData.disk_size /= GB;
 + diskData.used /= GB;
 + diskData.free /= GB;
 +//​ printf("​Disk usage : %lu \t Free space %lu,​%lu\n",​ diskData.disk_size/​GB,​ diskData.free/​GB,​ diskData.used/​GB);​
 +// return 0;
 + cpus = cpuCount(buffer,​ cpus);
 + CPUData cpuData[cpus];​
 + for (i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
 + cpuData[i].totalTime = 1;
 + cpuData[i].userTime = 0;
 + cpuData[i].totalPeriod = 1;
 + cpuData[i].userPeriod = 0;
 + }
 + sprintf(buffer,​ "​\ec\e[2s\e[1r"​);​
 + write(usbdev,​ buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
 + fsync(usbdev);​
 + int cpuid;
 + unsigned long long int ioWait, irq, softIrq, steal, guest;
 + ioWait = irq = softIrq = steal = guest = 0;
 + while (1) {
 + sprintf(buffer,​ "​\e[H"​);​
 + write(usbdev,​ buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
 + fsync(usbdev);​
 + usleep(300000);​
 + systemInfo(usbdev,​ buffer);
 + fsync(usbdev);​
 + usleep(300000);​
 + file = fopen(procstat,​ "​r"​);​
 + for (i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
 + fgets(buffer,​ 255, file);
 + if (i == 0) {
 + sscanf(buffer,​ "cpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu",
 + &​usertime,​ &​nicetime,​ &​systemtime,​ &​idletime,​
 + &​ioWait,​ &irq, &​softIrq,​ &steal, &​guest);​
 + } else {
 + sscanf(buffer,​ "cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu",
 + &​cpuid,​ &​usertime,​ &​nicetime,​ &​systemtime,​ &​idletime,​
 + &​ioWait,​ &irq, &​softIrq,​ &steal, &​guest);​
 + assert(cpuid == i - 1);
 + }
 + idlealltime = idletime + ioWait;
 + systemalltime = systemtime + irq + softIrq;
 + virtalltime = steal + guest;
 + totaltime = usertime + nicetime + systemalltime +
 + idlealltime + virtalltime;​
 + assert(usertime >= cpuData[i].userTime);​
 + assert(totaltime >= cpuData[i].totalTime);​
 + cpuData[i].userPeriod = usertime - cpuData[i].userTime;​
 + cpuData[i].totalPeriod = totaltime - cpuData[i].totalTime;​
 + cpuData[i].totalTime = totaltime;
 + cpuData[i].userTime = usertime;
 + total = (double)cpuData[i].totalPeriod;​
 + if ((i != 0) && (i%2 == 1)) {
 + sprintf(buffer,​ "​\e[33mcpu%d :​\e[32m%4.1f%% ",
 + i, cpuData[i].userPeriod/​total*100.0);​
 + write(usbdev,​ buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
 + fsync(usbdev);​
 + } else if ((i != 0) && (i%2 == 0)) {
 + sprintf(buffer,​ "​\e[33mcpu%d :​\e[32m%4.1f%% ​ \n\r",
 + i, cpuData[i].userPeriod/​total*100.0);​
 + write(usbdev,​ buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
 + fsync(usbdev);​
 + }
 + }
 + sprintf(buffer,​ "​\e[37msda1\n\r\e[33mdisk_size : \e[32m%ldGB\n\r",​
 + diskData.disk_size);​
 + write(usbdev,​ buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
 + usleep(100000);​
 + sprintf(buffer,​ "​\e[35mused : \e[32m%ldGB\n\r",​
 + diskData.used);​
 + write(usbdev,​ buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
 + usleep(100000);​
 + sprintf(buffer,​ "​\e[36mfree : \e[32m%ldGB",​
 + diskData.free);​
 + write(usbdev,​ buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
 + usleep(100000);​
 + fclose(file);​
 + }
 + return 0;
en/show_usage_show_examples.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/17 17:20 by john1117
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