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Quick installation guide to enable the HiFi Shield audio output on Ubuntu.

  1. Assemble the C1+ with the HiFi shield, attach a USB keyboard, USB mouse and HDMI monitor, then power up the system.
  2. Use the ODROID utility to resize the eMMC/SD disk partition.
  3. Use the ODROID utility to update the kernel. I got version 3.10.80-125 when I did this.
  4. To ensure that the HiFi shield kernel modules are loaded on boot, edit the file /media/boot/boot.ini by uncommenting this line:
    setenv enabledac "enabledac"
  5. To ensure that the HiFi shield becomes the default “sink” for the pulseaudio daemon, edit the file /etc/pulse/default.pa by by adding this line at the end:
    set-default-sink alsa_output.platform-odroid_sound_card.5.analog-stereo
  6. To enable applications such as mpg321 to use the HiFi shield even when no pulseaudio daemon is running (e.g. from a cron job),
    add one more line to the end of the file /etc/pulse/default.pa :
     suspend-sink alsa_output.platform-odroid_sound_card.5.analog-stereo 1 

    Note: Applications like mpg321 will start a pulseaudio daemon if there isn't one running already. However, the HiFi shield cannot be opened until the pulseaudio suspend-on-idle timeout expires. This causes the application to exit with an error message reporting that the HiFi shield is busy.

  7. To test, connect an amplifier to the 3.5mm or RCA lineout jack on the HiFi Shield, reboot the C1+, and then run:
    aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav

This instruction was made by culler (our forum member).
Original Post

Update If your kernel version is 3.10.96-143 or higher, the I2S/DAC drivers have been changed to modules.
So you need to load the modules before enable the HiFi-Shield.
Refer this LINK

en/c1_hifi_shield.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/19 18:18 by ck.kim
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