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Release Note of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (v2.1)


Release Date 2016-10-03
Release Type Update

File name : ubuntu64-16.04lts-mate-odroid-c2-20161003.img.xz

Note: OS will reboot on the first boot for automatic rootfs resize

New updates

Kernel Updates

  • Upstream 3.14.79 merged
  • Improved stability for Wifi Module #4
  • new ODROID 3.5“ LCD Kit support
  • Added support for the new Hifi Shield #2
  • UART ports now supports a minimum of 110 baud
  • Better thermal throttling handle
  • Custom HDMI resolution is possible See Here
  • Frequency/Core count control How to set max cpu frequency and cores
  • Removed PWM debug messages
  • Removed USB debug messages
  • Fixed a Mali VSYNC issue
  • Enabled USB CDROM support
  • Added 1600×1200, 3440×1440 resolutions
  • Disabled a few OSD debug messages
  • Improved CEC Driver
  • Fixed 1920×1200 resolution issue

Userspace Update

  • Kodi 16.1 (Auto-framerate-switching [Adjust display refresh rate] works if HPD option is enabled)
  • CEC Support
  • apt-fast installed
  • Ubuntu updated to 16.04.1 LTS release
  • Xorg DDX Driver updated to fbturbo by ssvb : Faster GUI rendering.
  • LIRC is now installed by default setup for Hardkernel IR Remote
  • Mali package won't conflict with QT5 installations anymore.

Known issues

  • 64bit Firefox is very unstable (you need to try 32bit Firefox)
  • Some 4K video files rendering on Kodi is not smooth on 4K/UHD monitor
  • KODI audio Passthrough is not implemented yet
  • mySQL/KVM needs an editing of boot.ini file to change the system timer source to ARMv8 Architecture from the Meson. But the ARMv8 timer affects the VPU/GPU system accuracy.
  • NTP time syncing takes long time (sometimes around 1~2 minutes)
  • Tons of issues not listed. :-x

How to update the kernel and system

  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 

The default boot.ini in V2.0

How to checkout

The current version only provide Linux kernel and U-boot source code. Here are the instructions to checkout the source code and build. For more detail information, please visit U-boot and Kernel.

This guide is only for the NATIVE BUILD.


$ git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/u-boot.git -b odroidc2-v2015.01
$ cd u-boot
$ make odroidc2_config
$ make

Linux Kernel

$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hardkernel/linux -b odroidc2-3.14.y
$ cd linux
$ git checkout jenkins-deb_s905_kernel-78
$ make odroidc2_defconfig
$ make -j5
$ sudo make modules_install
$ sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/Image /media/boot
$ sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/meson64_odroidc2.dtb /media/boot

Kodi Tips

en/c2_ubuntu_release_note_v2.1.1475573831.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/04 18:07 by brian.kim
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