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Software Release for Android


The first booting takes several minutes for the self-installation process.

Android 4.4.2 (v2.5)

Android 4.4.2 (v2.4)

Android 4.4.2 (v2.3)

Android 4.4.2 (v2.2)

Android 4.4.2 (v2.1)

Android 4.4.2 (v2.0)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.7)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.6.1)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.6)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.5)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.4)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.3)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.2.1) - EXPERIMENTAL

  • This version is completely same with v1.2 except installatioin process. Hence, try this version if you failed to flash v1.2.

Android 4.4.2 (v1.2)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.1)

Android 4.4.2 (v1.0)

Official Mirror by mdrjr

Unofficial Mirror by bohdans

Unofficial Android Market (Google Play) installation

An easy way to install the Google Services (Google Play, Youtube and so on) for the Android 4.4.x KitKat.

en/c1_release_android.1460597148.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/14 09:55 by codewalker
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