Table of Contents

CVBS Video Output

Hardware Example

The below picture is a sample guide.

You can find cvbs test point by header J7 near HDMI connector.

We recommend to use board backside point as the following picture. Pin 1 of header J7 can be used as Ground point.

Software Guide (1) - Ubuntu

  • Ubuntu : Available with 3.14.79-89 (Oct 13, 2016) or higher version

There are two modes of CVBS, 480cvbs and 576cvbs on C2.

You need to modify boot.ini to set CVBS output.

setenv m "480cvbs"
setenv cvbsmode "480cvbs"

setenv bootargs ${bootargs} cvbsmode=${cvbsmode}

And make sure the vout mode is set as hdmi mode.

setenv vout "hdmi"

Please refer to the following article.

As we tested cvbs mode with our monitors, overscan setting is needed.

For example, in case of 480cvbs mode, the following values can be used.

# echo 20 20 695 478 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis                                                                                             
# echo 0x10001 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale

Software Guide (2) - Android

  • We're planning to release CVBS functionality soon. The version will be specified here after new release.

Please refer to the following example.

setenv hdmimode "480cvbs"
showlogo "hdmimode"

And make sure the vout mode is set as hdmi mode.

setenv vout "hdmi"

As we tested cvbs mode with our monitors, overscan setting is needed. For example, the following values can be used.

### 480cvbs
$ wm overscan 30,25,30,10

### 576cvbs
$ wm overscan 40,10,50,110