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Release Note of Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (v1.4.1)


Release Date 2015-04-01
Release Type Minor Update

New updates

Kernel Updates

Userspace Update

GPU acceleration on the Chromium Web browser

This release supports the OpenGL ES accelerated Chromium Browser.

To use the acceleration, edit /etc/chromium-browser/default like this:

CHROMIUM_FLAGS=" --use-gl=egl --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --num-raster-threads=2"

You can see much smoother HTML rendering. Try this link to test the Webgl on the ODROID. Webgl demo

If you use the latest Chromium Ver 43 or higher, the hardware acceleration doesn't work if you don't enable it manually.
Enter this in the URL box of the Chromium.


And click “Show advanced settings…” in the bottom side.
Check “System - Use hardware acceleration when available” and restart the Chromium.

Known issues

Upgrade from 1.4 to 1.4.1

The default boot.ini in V1.4.1

How to checkout

The current version only provide Linux kernel and U-boot source code. Here are the instructions to checkout the source code and build. For more detail information, please visit U-boot and Kernel.

This guide is only for the NATIVE BUILD.


$ git clone -b odroidc-v2011.03
$ cd u-boot
$ make odroidc_config
$ make

Linux Kernel

$ git clone -b odroidc-3.10.y
$ cd linux
$ make odroidc_defconfig
$ make uImage modules
$ make dtbs
$ sudo make modules_install
$ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /media/boot
$ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/meson8b_odroidc.dtb /media/boot