Table of Contents


SmartPower2 is a power-supply which has WiFi connectivity to control the voltage to and switch on/off a connected device.
You can also monitor the load current and power consumption remotely on your smartphone, tablet and PC.

Where to buy


WiFi MCU module ESP12E
Output InterfaceUSB Host, terminal block(+, -)
Terminal Block Output Voltage DC 4 ~ 5.3V in 100mV step
Terminal Block Maximum Output Current5A
USB Host Port Output VoltageDC 4 ~ 5.3V in 100mV step
USB Host Port Maximum Output Current1A
DC-Jack Input Voltage 9~15V
MeasurementVoltage, Current, Watt, Watt-Hour
Display16×2 I2C Character LCD
WirelessWiFi 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz
Dimensions 52x46mm
weight 18g, 58g(with LCD)

How to use

0. First, connect the included 15V/4A adapter and plug the output cable in the terminal block.

Without WiFi (Standalone mode)

1. Output Power ON/OFF
You can turn the output power on/off using the tact switch on SmartPower2

2. Power monitoring with 16×2 LCD
We recommend connecting the LCD after disconnecting the main power source.

With WiFi (Connected mode)

The webpage supports IE 11+, Edge 13+, Firefox 47+, Chrome 49+, Safari 9.1+, Opera 41+, IOS Safari 9.3+, Android Broswer 4.4+, Chrome for Android 53+

1. WiFi Connection

Default SSID : smartpower2, Password : 12345678

2. Access Web UI

Default webserver ip :

1. WiFi Connection 2. Access Web UI

3. Home

4. Settings

3. Home 4. Settings

With Telnet (Connected mode)

After connection with WiFi, you can get power data via telnet.
[Voltage],[Ampere],[Power],[Watt hour]

$ telnet

LED State

PWR(D1)offInput power off
onInput power on
blinkOutput power on
WiFi Statusoffno WiFi connection
onWiFi connected
blinkWebpage loaded

System Reset

After boot, press the ON/OFF switch for 5 seconds to reset all settings including WiFi.


SmartPower2 schematic - schematic_smartpower2.pdf


Framework - Arduino, Jquery

Build Platform - Platformio

Build Firmware

This guide is working with x86 platforms only. The development tools are not available for ARM platforms.


1. Install PlatformIO

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install -U platformio
platformio --version

If you have any issue while installing it, refer this guide.

2. Get source code

sudo apt-get install git
git clone

3. Build & Upload

cd smartpower2
platformio run
sudo platformio run --target upload
sudo platformio run --target uploadfs


1. Install platformIO

2. Get source code

3. Install libraries

Install libraries with platformio library manager

  • Websocket(549)
  • Simpletimer(419)
  • LiquidCrystal_I2C(576)
platformio lib install 549 419 576

3. Build & Upload

Run CMD and move to the smartpower2 folder

cd /path/to/dir/smartpower2
platformio run
platformio run --target upload
platformio run --target uploadfs

F/W Version History

Release DateVersionDescriptionGit
Jan 22 2017v1.1Add console logging with telnet and make SSID unique to each device

F/W build tutorials

Release Note of F/W v1.1

Thanks to

New features