If you want to boot the ODROID-C2 via otg port, please using 5V/2A adapter.\\ OTG booting is unstable in some environment.\\ Most features are described in [[en:c2_hardware#enable_the_otg_device_function_on_odroid-c2|here]] This page describes the use of the OTG port.\\ ==== OTG Booting ==== The ODROID-C2 can be powered by not only DC jack, but also OTG port.\\ Before using a OTG port, you should check your ODROID-C2 header pin J1. {{odroid-c2:gettingstart:connect_j1_otg.png?direct|}} As you can see, when you want to power the ODROID-C2 via the OTG port, you have to plug the J1 jumper.\\ If the J1 jumper is not connected, the OTG port can't be used for the power input.\\ ==== OTG port & DC jack ==== {{odroid-c2:gettingstart:wrong_j1.png?direct|}} But when you connect ODROID-C2 to the DC jack and the OTG port together, and ODROID-C2 be powered via DC jack, you must remove the J1 jumper!\\ Otherwise, your C2 board can be damaged. {{odroid-c2:gettingstart:j1_disconnected.png?direct|}} So you should disconnect J1 pins like the above picture.