=== Quick Guide to update 3.10 to 4.9 Kernel ===
After you perform those steps is very unlikely that you will be able to roll back.\\
It's advised to test 4.9 kernel on a separated microsd/eMMC before upgrading.
Make sure you have a backup of your data. \\
Update process might corrupt your file system even the possibility is quite low.
- Gain root access, everything from now on requires root access: sudo -s
- Make sure your system is up-to-date: apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade
- Modifying the repo: if [ -z "$(grep "5422-s" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odroid.list)" ]; then sed -i s/"5422"/"5422-s"/g /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odroid.list; fi
- Update your package information: apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade
- Update your kernel: apt download linux-image-4.9.30-41
dpkg -i --force-all linux-image-4.9.30-41_20170531_armhf.deb
- Update your system again. New packages that matches kernel 4.9 configuration will be replaced/installed. \\ This includes a new boot.ini that _MUST BE_ installed: apt dist-upgrade
- Install the latest Kernel package from our server. http://deb.odroid.in/5422-s/pool/main/l/linux-image-xu3/ \\ XX-Y is the version number of the kernel package.apt install linux-image-xu3=XX-Y
- Sync and turn off: sync && poweroff
- Turn your board on again and enjoy.