====== Release Note of Ubuntu 15.10 (v1.0) =====
===== Summary =====
|| Release Date | 2016-01-14 ||
|| Release Type | Update Release ||
File name : ubuntu-15.10-mate-odroid-xu3-20160114.img
===== Download from below servers =====
* Official US West Coast: [[http://odroid.in/ubuntu-15.10]]
* Official US East Coast: [[http://east.us.odroid.in/ubuntu-15.10]] (Thanks to David Beauchamp @ ArchLinuxARM)
* Official EU Germany: [[http://de.eu.odroid.in/ubuntu-15.10]]
* Official Korea Mirror: [[http://dn.odroid.com/5422/ODROID-XU3/Ubuntu/]]
===== New from previous versions =====
* Ubuntu 15.10
* Kernel 3.10.92
* Updated Mali Driver to r9p0 (OpenGL ES 3.1 works on X11)
* Improved SD card compatibility
* Auto-resizing the root file system partition in the first booting process
* WDT is added [[en:odroid_linux_watchdog|Watchdog on Linux/Ubuntu]]
* Enabled Quota Support
* Disabled RTC warning messages (spam on logs)
* Updated Kodi to 15.2
* Realtek 8812AU Drivers (incl. TP-Link Archer T4U)
* Add support for 32Mhz pixel clock on HDMI
* Better Docker/LXC support
* DVI/HDMI Mode control via boot.ini
* 800x480 resolution support via new boot.ini option
* Added a patch to reduce the OOM issue.
* You can now check CPU Throttling status running: **cat /sys/devices/10060000.tmu/throttle**
===== Known issues =====
* Mali black-screen issue.
* Tons of issues undocumented. :-x
===== GPU acceleration on the Chromium Web browser =====
Edit /etc/chromium-browser/default like this:\\
CHROMIUM_FLAGS=" --use-gl=egl --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --num-raster-threads=2"
You can see much smoother HTML rendering.
Try this link to test the Webgl on the ODROID.
[[http://helloracer.com/racer-s/|Webgl demo]]
Tip: When you exit the full-screen mode, the screens goes just black from time to time.\\
Press "Ctrl-Alt-F2" and "Ctrl-Alt-F7" as a workaround.
** Note ** \\
Preinstalled Chromium Ver-47 shows wrong video rendering when we play Youtube.\\
To fix the issue, you need to enable the EGL option as described in above.
===== Kodi crashing when exit =====
The Kodi(xbmc) crashes when exit.
Workaround : Open a virtual terminal (ctrl-alt-F2) and kill it.
* killall -9 kodi.bin
And return to desktop (ctrl-alt-F7)
** This issue has been fixed with the latest Kernel update. **\\
** Just run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" **
===== How to Update system and kernel software =====
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
===== Source Code =====
All source code used can be found here: https://github.com/mdrjr/5422_BSP
===== Linux Kernel =====
**This guide is only for the NATIVE BUILD.** Run it on the board.
For Kernel and DTB
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hardkernel/linux -b odroidxu3-3.10.y
$ cd linux
$ make odroidxu3_defconfig
$ make -j9
$ sudo make modules_install
$ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /media/boot
$ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5422-odroidxu3.dtb /media/boot
For RAMDISK (Optional)
sudo cp .config /boot/config-`make kernelrelease`
sudo update-initramfs -c -k `make kernelrelease`
sudo mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n uInitrd -d /boot/initrd.img-`make kernelrelease` /boot/uInitrd-`make kernelrelease`
sudo cp /boot/uInitrd-`make kernelrelease` /media/boot/uInitrd