========= CVBS Video Output ======= ===== Hardware Example ===== The below picture is a sample guide. You can find **cvbs** test point by header J7 near HDMI connector. We recommend to use board backside point as the following picture. **Pin 1 of header J7** can be used as Ground point. {{:en:c2_cvbs1.png?700|}} {{:en:c2_cvbs2.png?700|}} ==== Software Guide (1) - Ubuntu ==== * Ubuntu : Available with 3.14.79-89 (Oct 13, 2016) or higher version There are two modes of CVBS, **480cvbs** and **576cvbs** on C2. You need to modify boot.ini to set CVBS output. setenv m "480cvbs" setenv cvbsmode "480cvbs" setenv bootargs ${bootargs} cvbsmode=${cvbsmode} And make sure the **vout** mode is set as **hdmi** mode. setenv vout "hdmi" == Overscan == Please refer to the following article. http://magazine.odroid.com/wp-content/uploads/ODROID-Magazine-201602.pdf#page=9 As we tested cvbs mode with our monitors, overscan setting is needed. For example, in case of 480cvbs mode, the following values can be used. # echo 20 20 695 478 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis # echo 0x10001 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale ==== Software Guide (2) - Android ==== * We're planning to release CVBS functionality soon. The version will be specified here after new release. Please refer to the following example. setenv hdmimode "480cvbs" showlogo "hdmimode" And make sure the **vout** mode is set as **hdmi** mode. setenv vout "hdmi" == Overscan == As we tested cvbs mode with our monitors, overscan setting is needed. For example, the following values can be used. ### 480cvbs $ wm overscan 30,25,30,10 ### 576cvbs $ wm overscan 40,10,50,110