====== SmartPower2 ======
SmartPower2 is a power-supply which has WiFi connectivity to control the voltage to and switch on/off a connected device.
\\ You can also monitor the load current and power consumption remotely on your smartphone, tablet and PC.
[[http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=G148048570542|Where to buy]]
====== Specifications ======
^WiFi MCU module |ESP12E|
^Output Interface|USB Host, terminal block(+, -)|
^Terminal Block Output Voltage |DC 4 ~ 5.3V in 100mV step|
^Terminal Block Maximum Output Current|5A|
^USB Host Port Output Voltage|DC 4 ~ 5.3V in 100mV step|
^USB Host Port Maximum Output Current|1A|
^DC-Jack Input Voltage |9~15V|
^Measurement|Voltage, Current, Watt, Watt-Hour|
^Display|16x2 I2C Character LCD|
^Wireless|WiFi 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz|
^Dimensions| 52x46mm |
^weight| 18g, 58g(with LCD)|
====== How to use ======
===== =====
0. **First, connect the included 15V/4A adapter and plug the output cable in the terminal block.**\\
===== Without WiFi (Standalone mode) =====
1. Output Power ON/OFF\\
You can turn the output power on/off using the tact switch on SmartPower2
2. Power monitoring with 16x2 LCD\\
We recommend connecting the LCD after disconnecting the main power source.
===== With WiFi (Connected mode) =====
The webpage supports IE 11+, Edge 13+, Firefox 47+, Chrome 49+, Safari 9.1+, Opera 41+, IOS Safari 9.3+, Android Broswer 4.4+, Chrome for Android 53+
===1. WiFi Connection ===
Default SSID : smartpower2, Password : 12345678
=== 2. Access Web UI ===
Default webserver ip :
^ 1. WiFi Connection ^ 2. Access Web UI ^
|{{:en:acc:sp2:wifi.png?200 |}}|{{:en:acc:sp2:ip.png?200 |}}|
=== 3. Home ===
* Seven Segments : voltage, ampere, watt, watt-hour.
* ON/OFF slide : Output power ON/OFF.
* Start/Stop slide : Watt-hour measurement Start/Stop.
* Voltage slider : Change output voltage.
* Save Default Voltage button : Set default voltage.
=== 4. Settings ===
* Auto Run checkbox - Output power ON/OFF automatically when you power on the SmartPower2.
* Save Button - Save Network Configuration (SSID, IP Address, Password).
* Default Button - Initialize User Network Configuration (Factory reset)
^ 3. Home ^ 4. Settings ^
|{{:en:acc:sp2:home.png?200 |}}|{{:en:acc:sp2:ipsetting.png?200 |}}|
===== With Telnet (Connected mode) =====
After connection with WiFi, you can get power data via telnet.\\
[Voltage],[Ampere],[Power],[Watt hour]
$ telnet
===== LED State =====
|PWR(D1)|off|Input power off|
|:::|on|Input power on|
|:::|blink|Output power on|
|WiFi Status|off|no WiFi connection|
|:::|on|WiFi connected|
|:::|blink|Webpage loaded|
===== System Reset =====
After boot, press the ON/OFF switch for 5 seconds to reset all settings including WiFi.
====== Hardware ======
SmartPower2 schematic - {{https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/blob/master/hw/schematic_smartpower2.pdf}}
* MCU - {{https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/blob/master/hw/datasheet/0A-ESP8266__Datasheet__EN_v4.3.pdf|ESP8266 Espressif}} low power 32-bit MCU
* USB to UART - {{https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/blob/master/hw/datasheet/cp2104.pdf|CP2104}} single chip usb-to-uart bridge
* 3A 16V Stepdown - {{https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/blob/master/hw/datasheet/MP1495_r1.05.pdf|MP1495S}} High Efficiency 3A, 16V, 500kHz Synchronous Step Down Converter
* Digital Potentional Meter - {{https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/blob/master/hw/datasheet/mcp4652.pdf|MCP4652}} 7/8-Bit Single/Dual I2C Digital POT with Volatile Memory
* Current/Power Monitor - {{https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/blob/master/hw/datasheet/ina231.pdf|ina231}} High- or Low-Side Measurement, Bidirectional CURRENT/POWER MONITOR with 1.8-V I2C Interface
* 10A 18V Stepdown - {{https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/blob/master/hw/datasheet/MP8762_r1.5.pdf|MP8762}} High Efficiency, 10A, 18V Synchronous Step-down converter
====== Software ======
Framework - Arduino, Jquery
Build Platform - **Platformio**
===== Build Firmware =====
This guide is working with x86 platforms only. The development tools are not available for ARM platforms.
==== Linux ====
===1. Install PlatformIO===
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install -U platformio
platformio --version
If you have any issue while installing it, refer this guide.\\
===2. Get source code===
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2.git
===3. Build & Upload===
cd smartpower2
platformio run
sudo platformio run --target upload
sudo platformio run --target uploadfs
==== Windows ====
=== 1. Install platformIO ===
===2. Get source code===
===3. Install libraries===
Install libraries with platformio library manager
* Websocket(549)
* Simpletimer(419)
* LiquidCrystal_I2C(576)
platformio lib install 549 419 576
===3. Build & Upload===
Run CMD and move to the smartpower2 folder
cd /path/to/dir/smartpower2
platformio run
platformio run --target upload
platformio run --target uploadfs
===== F/W Version History =====
^Release Date^Version^Description^Git^
|Jan 22 2017|[[en:acc:smartpower2#release_note_of_F/W_v1.1|v1.1]]|Add console logging with telnet and make SSID unique to each device|[[https://github.com/hardkernel/smartpower2/tree/v1.1]]|
[[en:acc:smartpower2#build_firmware|F/W build tutorials]]
==== Release Note of F/W v1.1 ====
Thanks to [[https://github.com/OtherCrashOverride]]
=== New features ===
* [[en:acc:smartpower2#with_telnet_connected_mode|console logging with telnet]]
* Possible Unique SSID on each device