========= HDMI Force RGB Option ======= * Ubuntu : The available version should be the one released after Jun 20, 2016. * Android : Android Marshmallow v1.2 (Dec 19, 2016) or higher version is available. ===== Issue Brief ===== With some TV monitors, there is a bug in their HDMI implementation that sometimes trigger the selection of the wrong colorspace in a magenta/green display.\\ {{:en:c2_forcergb_1.png?600}} \\ http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=141&t=20697#p137351 It looks TV reports that is capable of YUV422 or YUV444 but it's not indeed.\\ To avoid this situation, you can use **forcergb** option to set COLORSPACE_SPACE_RGB444 forcibly. Here are more investigations and discussions in ODROID Forum. * http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=144&t=21780&hilit=forcergb * http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=141&t=21737 * http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=144&t=20415&p=145208#p145208 ===== How to set boot.ini to activate forcergb ===== To activate it, add **hdmitx=forcergb** in bootargs. setenv bootargs ${bootargs} hdmitx=forcergb Here is the catch.\\ The env **hdmitx** has other parameters related to HDMI CEC control.\\ If you use CEC options, the env format can be **hdmitx=cecf,forcergb** or **hdmitx=cec0,forcergb**.\\ The ODROID Forum user, wrxtasy from LibreELEC already implemented a good guide for this case.\\ https://github.com/wrxtasy/LibreELEC.tv.7.0/blob/libreelec-7.1/projects/Odroid_C2/bootloader/boot.ini # Enable | Disable HDMI CEC Control setenv hdmi_cec "0" # Disabled # setenv hdmi_cec "1" # Enabled # setenv hdmi_cec "2" # Enabled but disable auto TV switching ON # Force HDMI to use RGB colorspace regardless of TV request # setenv hdmi_forcergb "0" # Disabled setenv hdmi_forcergb "1" # Enabled if test "${hdmi_cec}" = "0"; then setenv hdmitx "hdmitx=cec0"; fi if test "${hdmi_cec}" = "1"; then setenv hdmitx "hdmitx=cecf"; fi if test "${hdmi_cec}" = "2"; then setenv hdmitx "hdmitx=cec7"; fi if test "${hdmi_forcergb}" = "1"; then setenv hdmitx "${hdmitx},forcergb"; fi setenv bootargs "${rootopt} ${consoleopt} hdmimode=${hdmimode} ${hdmitx} vout=${vout_mode} ............"